View Full Version : Medal of Honor 10th Aniversary Edition

2011-03-08, 19:54
((Before reading Non of the links in this Thread are Based on Oldguys.eu all files are hosted Externally not by me, or Oldguys.eu))

ok, so Â*Gary (Owreet) wanted me to grab a copy of the MOH with Spearhead.

so i managed to find a MegaUpload Version of the 10th Aniversary copy on ISO.

was about 147 Files, of 100mb and a 80 odd ish MB file. Extracting it right now to see if its the Legit Virus free game,

if it works out good ill post the Links for the Site i got it from.

but i downloaded a nifty Program that allowed me to grab all 148 Links. and download them one at a time.

JDownloader - http://jdownloader.org/download/index

and well Here's the DLC File it uses for the Links
http://share-links.biz/get/dlc/VFhZUDVnQUl4S3N3TWZlYmYwWSsxZ3d0QjdvZlE4VHpNU2Vva0 Q0Zk04dz0=
All of the Games are in GERMAN, apart from Pacific and Airborne


Wie die originale "10th Anniversary Edition" beinhaltet dieses ultimative Medal of Honor-Pack 5 Meilensteine der First-Person-Shooter. Enthalten sind

Like the original "10th Anniversary Edition" includes this ultimate Medal of Honor-Pack 5 milestones of first-person shooter. Included are

Medal of Honor Allied Assault
Medal of Honor Allied Assault Spearhead
Medal of Honor Allied Assault Breakthrough
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault
Medal of Honor Airborne

Genre: Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â*Action / Shooter
FSK/USK: Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* ab 18 Jahre
Verkauf: Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* 20.05.2009
Passwort for RAR: gwarez.cc
Group: Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* -
Größe: Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* 14.400 MB
CD/DVDs: Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* 1 DVD
Kopierschutz: Â* Â* Â* Â* -
Klicks: Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* Â* 22.233
Downloads: Â* Â* Â* Â* 2.959

if you dont want to Use MegaUpload.com they have other links on their site. but i only tried MegaUpload.com's ones.

Slight EDIT:

The Game Versions are German, but im told that if you select the Correct Langauge on Install. it should be on those Langauges.

English, French, German, Spanish etc.

I've Extracted the Files. and landed with 3 ISO Files.


i dont have any Blank DVDs lying about. so im using Magic ISO, to Mount the Disc. and going to run it from there. till my Blanks arrive.

or use Daemon Tools

ok so i've Mounted the Special DVD , of what its called.

and the Installer has everything built in.

Buttons for all 3 Games,

Allied Assault
Breakthrough and Spearhead.

it plays rather nice music from the game in the background.

has a button for the Serial Keys.

has Patches already on Disc, had Mods and Map Packs. even a Hefty Blood Patch and a No Intro Patch.


2011-03-08, 20:53
Pacific Assault Need Patching to 1.2 and getting a 1.2 Crack for it to work.

there was a Crack in the ISO. but i kept getting Virus Warnings from AVG.

MOH PA V1.2 Crack ( Virus Free)
DOWNLOAD HERE (http://downloads.megagames.com/download.php?file=MEDAL.OF.HONOR.PA.V1.2.ENG.DEVIA NCE.NOCD.ZIP)

MOH PA Patch 1.0 to 1.1
DOWNLOAD HERE (http://media1.gamefront.com/gamingfiles/Medal_of_Honor_Pacific_Assault/Official_Releases/Patches/medal_of_honor_pacific_assault_patch.exe?b17f4b620 c6cf1393ffa644a1eeea151f155fc0994375de725ac267b983 13ee324b99baee551d8404154ae036f83f1e2f9f3a3fdd7f74 d02c3a237f41f6fde59d107b3afcd4df3bc46adadfea865857 844d818ad7fbcd5115783b6c6b78bf110516ee77354c587fb1 437771c4593c1e40ebf0d796606a88f2bd5eaebce96330d229 2c734e69f650312dc17036c71a7a027083f36aa2983b8e9f32 15e5aee73896794b0542e9b&ext=.exe)

MOH PA Patch 1.1 to 1.2
DOWNLOAD HERE (http://media1.gamefront.com/gamingfiles/Medal_of_Honor_Pacific_Assault/Official_Releases/Patches/mohpa_1_1_to_1_2.exe?b17f4b620c6cf1393ffa644a1eeea 151f155fc0994375de725ac267b98313ee324b99baee551d84 04154ae036f83f1e2f9f3a3fdd7f74d02c3a237f41f6fde59d 107b3afcd4df3bc46adadfea865857844d818ad7fbcd511578 3b6c6b78bf110516ee77354c587fb1437771c4593c1e40ebf0 d796606a88f2bd5eaebce96330d2292c734e69f640c32a7332 a1058a2b49a627152d16eb2dbbc3b13962b1b926a4592fefa4 379&ext=.exe)

2011-03-09, 00:35
I have this game for some time now.
Realy like the MOH series. ÂÂ*:D