View Full Version : Server Rules Discussion.

2011-03-24, 17:01
I know it's early days but i'd like to discuss some rules.

Obviously openly hacking should result in a no warning PERM ban or temp turned into a perm by a senior admin.

I suggest these areas are dealt with too;

Using vehicles to get to other vehicles = 2 warnings then a kick (example on Oman people sometimes use the jeeps to get to aircraft) This might prove to be alot of trouble enforcing though and in practice is only a minor annoyance.

Deliberately destroying team vehicles at the start of the round, i've seen gunners in choppers blow up planes. Suggest this is either a kick as it already shows intent to behave like a child or maybe 1 warn then kicked. Not to be confused with players destroying low health vehicles so that Â*the enemy can't get them or they respawn quicker.

Swearing/insulting - 2 warns then kick and finally a ban if they return and do it again.

Other clans advertising ÂÂ*- warning and kick

Deliberate aircraft ramming - warning then kick

These are just preliminary ideas so i would like feedback please guys who play, Frank?

2011-03-24, 17:08
I totally agree on these actions. We will also set up auto messages with these rules.

2011-03-29, 16:03
I mostly agree too, with the following remarks/additions:

Using vehicles to get to other vehicles; i have to say i am guilty of doing this myself sometimes..
At the start of the round this can be really annoying i agree, but later on in the game i just want to get to the vehicle i want as fast as possible, not to be there before a teammate is (i mostly blow up the vehicle i used to get there)..if you know what i mean, i dont really see a problem in doing this.

Hitler and other offensive names, immediate ban?

And what do you mean by delibarete aircraft ramming?
i think you mean kamikaze actions, very hard to monitor and it is going to be one word against the other....
Also i like to crash my jet into a full transport heli once in a while ;)

2011-03-29, 16:03
I mostly agree too, with the following remarks/additions:

Using vehicles to get to other vehicles; i have to say i am guilty of doing this myself sometimes..
At the start of the round this can be really annoying i agree, but later on in the game i just want to get to the vehicle i want as fast as possible, not to be there before a teammate is (i mostly blow up the vehicle i used to get there)..if you know what i mean, i dont really see a problem in doing this.

Hitler and other offensive names, immediate ban?

And what do you mean by delibarete aircraft ramming?
i think you mean kamikaze actions, very hard to monitor and it is going to be one word against the other....
Also i like to crash my jet into a full transport heli once in a while ;)

2011-03-29, 19:51
I don't have a problem with most names, even Hitler, they just show themselves up for being an idiot, however i accept some may take offence.

Jet ramming, hard to enforce yea, but i don't like people who do it on purpose and i'm talking those who do it regular, the first can be an accident second, third is deliberate or recklessness and should be stopped, but then it could be a tactic too.

If there's no demand for vehicles in the game (after first spawn) then why not use them to get to jets etc... but at the beginning its not good.

I'm also a great fan of attacking the base, it's all about winning and if taking out the jets before they take off is tactical then so be it! Lots of BF2/BFBC2 people complain about this but as far as i care it's fair.... that said it's likely to impact on the below principal!

The bottom line is, if it makes people quit our server then it's bad for business!

2011-03-29, 20:19
hmm in the demo you cant attack base on foot atleast, my pc dont allow me to fly, soo havnet checked.

Do you guys have a server ? or just planning one ?

if somebody wants to play, why not add me

champ18 (main char)