View Full Version : Training points distribution

2011-05-24, 01:10
Want to discuss the best ways to distribute training points for the classes and their different playstyles. Maybe some more experienced players can give me some other input here.

Here are my thoughts to the medic:

Level 1-9: Full support way (reviving longer, healing more and better)
- Combat triage is a must have for medics. You know which teammates needs to be healed and how much. Gives tons of XP as a bonus....i think one of the first things to have. On your way you will get the bonus of revealing enemy names more quickly (good for sniping) and sniper combat awareness (good for surviving) [6 training points]
- Physical training: Increased jog spead Easier to survive yourself and avoid enemys (if you train it not you will probably have a disatvantage to the enemys) [1 training point]
- Physical training: Increased sprint speed Easier to survive yourself and avoid enemys (if you train it not you will probably have a disatvantage to the enemys) [1 training point]

Level 10-13: All playstyles
- Physical training: Power climb As the medic is the second best sniper class (and a good partner for a sniper) i guess that is a good to have but not a must have...depending on the playstyle you will want it as much as the other two physical trainings...for medics who don´t sniper (do they exist?) it´s only nice to have and the one training point could be saved [1 training point]
- Tactical reflexes makes it easier to survive....not a must have [3 training points]

Level 14-20:
- Now i guess it´s totaly up to the playstyle.
a) Better killing and reviving teammates:Frag grenade, dead man´s trigger and defibrillator [up to 11 training points]
b) Better healing: medic box, advanced tactical deployment: medic box, medivac vehicle [6 training points]
c) Better surviving: Grenade awareness, mortar strike combat awareness, avoid trip wire: basic [6 training points]

Maybe if you have one point and don´t know what to do with it:
- Helicopter piloting Needed for one map because the game lacks players who are able to pilote [1 training point]

Unneded training:
- Physical training: safe fall we have parachute
- Combat resilience we can heal ourself invite
- Jet pilot training other classes should pilot it
- Tow missile system other classes should pilot it
- Tank coaxial machinegun other classes should pilot it
- Improved apc armour plating other classes should pilot it
- Improved tank armour other classes should pilot it

Other ideas for the medic class?
Training paths for the other classes?

2011-05-24, 01:19
Training point wasted for jogging if you are going to sprint. Keep the sprint use the jog point for something else.

Jet piloting for medic is useful as you know who on the battlefield just died, meaning there must be enemy infantry/vehicles near the dead body.

2011-05-24, 19:51

- 4 points in Medic box,lets you heal more quickly and your team to
- 1 points in Advance Tactical Deployement is a MUST HAVEhttp://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t118/Omu_2007/Onion%20smiley/onion_msn_smileys-16.gif,lets you deploy 2 medic boxes that ÂÂ*double the regen speed if you put them both near you or your team
- 3 points in the Defibrillator- this is your best friend can kill instantly when your close,and can revive thoes on your team,plus a extra bonus to your score,and makes you the team HEROhttp://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t118/Omu_2007/Onion%20smiley/onion_gifs_emoticons-09.gif
- 4 points in Improved Threat Awareness -lets you see enemy tags more quiclky an can give you an edge for spoting them for your team or kiling them ÂÂ*if you use the LMG
- 1 points in Physical training Power Climb- lets you climb laders more fast than usual,very good when rushing in to throw a medic box to a sniper or just by capturing flags ,plus you can survive most situations when you normal sprint speed gets you killedhttp://i158.photobucket.com/albums/t118/Omu_2007/Onion%20smiley/cebollita_animated_onion-04.gif
- 3 points in Combar Resilience- best thing for you gets you triple regen speed when deploying medic boxes

Rest of the points you get ÂÂ*is your own choice where to put them in,grenade or apc or heli etc.

2011-05-30, 03:01

I do not I have distributed so because when I started I did not know very well what I would need, but honestly, after playing a lot, is how I would leave for good:


Frag Grenade 2 / 4
Increase Ammo Sniper Rifle 2 / 2
Claymore 2 / 5


Power Climb 1 / 1
Safe Fall 1 / 1
Sprint Speed ??1 / 1
Advanced Reconnaissance 3 / 5
Combat Resilience 3 / 3
Tactical Threat Awareness 4 / 4

I hope someone will be helpful or at least orientation when distributing the points ÂÂ*:wink:

2011-06-06, 07:18
For my Assault:
For my Recon:
For my Medic:

2011-06-06, 23:24
I dont see how any class can survive without sprint- sadly. Â*Engineers, if you cant get a vehicle then all the rest is pointless, same for pilots- quite often at round start its no sprint, no fly, on the ground if you have to flank run around a block you might as well not bother on normal speed....i forgot the other day on PTE i didnt have sprint on a lvl11 and got shot in the back

but once you have taken out the 6 points that takes, its cutting heavily into what you could spend on other side extras like vehicle buffs

The way i work it out is by saying ok, as a teamplay medic whats the minimum i need to take care of business- thats 6 points on the left (4 box 1 double 1 defib) and then my favourite 6 to sprint on the right, then work out what else i can do with the change, 7 points in this case. Medics have a lot to spare.

Engineers however have way too many options. Theres vehicle engi, anti-tank engi, combat engi, and building each one fully will leave no change from 19 points.

Sniper doesnt have much pressure on points, the roles come down to camper or combat recon and theres a clear divide between small balls and ladder climbing, and big balls and some thrust behind their action

Lastly assault is even simpler, hardest question theyve got is whether to put 1 2 or 3 in the box

2011-06-06, 23:27
BTW, for all you that want to share your loadouts, have you seen this site?


Basically you click your skill buttons like you have it, then press on the big long little writing link top right and thatll put the url for that skill combination in the browser address bar- cut n paste that for passing around, or use it to screenshot and post in the normal image way

click the - on each box to take them off