View Full Version : Live chat with DICE

2011-08-19, 08:59
After a few Jaska's comments on TS here is video from yesterday's live chat with Zhinto and some other guy.

ORIGINAL RECORD (http://www.livestream.com/electronicarts/video?clipId=pla_7fcf7491-d23e-4547-a11a-962a065df110)


Â* Â** Two or three rockets to make vehicle immobile (not completly destroyed). Hits from the behind are more powerfull
Â* Â** Nothing new regarding Beta release.
Â* Â** EOD Robot from the MP video – can repair vehicles (in cca 2 secs.. WTF?), land / disable mines and spot enemies. It can be destroyed by one rocket.
Â* Â** There are Kill-streaks but will be rewarded with points only
Â* Â** Point system is still changing, one from the Alpha is definitely not the final one
Â* Â** Servers can be set as Infantry Only mód and Hardcore mod.
Â* Â** Mortar Strike is included.
Â* Â** Using EOD Robot, Mortar Striku and "hovercraft" (similar to UAV) is simple – you have to pick it to your equipment, put it to your hand and use it fro mthe ground.
Â* Â** Little Bird will be included in multiplayeru. (YAY !!!!)
Â* Â** There wont be Commander in Battlefieldu 3. His duties will be partialy moved to squad leader (duties are still not known
Â* Â** In Soft mode will be killcam.
Â* Â** 3D spotting have been changed (unofficial: the triangle will follow you till you are visible, it means when you in a bush or behind a wall you shouldn't be spotted anymore, only on the minimap for a while).
Â* Â** Bullet-drop is included in Battlefieldu 3
Â* Â** Flags will stay as A,B,C but real names will be visible as well (forrest, hill, etc..)
Â* Â** Maps in Back to Karkand will be copies from BF2 as much as possible.
Â* Â** BF3 fact sheets should be updated in the future, because the content is still changing.
Â* Â** Through Battlelog you will be able to creat clans, watching each other stats and connection to the game
Â* Â** There won't be server browser on the PC, but you have to chose server from the Battlelog.
Â* Â** You can almost fly to the Moon with jets! The engine powers will be lowered automatically when too high
Â* Â** ATV rockets will be included
Â* Â** You'll be able to see through whole map, no mist like in BF2
Â* Â** Only 3 finish guys works for DICE :)
Â* Â** Aircraft carrier on the Wake Island will be static and can't be moved.
Â* Â** SP is completly made up.
Â* Â** A-10 jets will be included.
Â* Â** Using jets and choppers will be similar with BF2.
Â* Â** Classes in Back to Karkand will be 4 not 7.
Â* Â** No HW requirements yet.
Â* Â** Available mods CQ 64 lidÃ*, CQ Small, Rush, TDM, Squad DM, Squad Rush
Â* Â** You can't buy Bf3 on the Steam.
Â* Â** Difference betwee CQ 64 and CQ Small – CQ 64 for 64 players on PC, CQ Small for 24 – 42 players. There will be less flags in CQ small or they'll stay without any change.
Â* Â** Battlerecorder? We're working on it, but can't talk about it right now.
Â* Â** Actual spawning system is in testing and can be changed if players feedback is not satisfying (spawning on every squad membeer).
Â* Â** Claymore mines are included.
Â* Â** You wont Noobtube in BF3 anymore – rocket/40mm hitting area will be lowered because of that.
Â* Â** VOIP for PC will be included inBattlelog
Â* Â** You'll be able to play 9 maps on the release date, 4 other maps awaits you in the Back to Karkand.
Â* Â** Stacionary AA defense will be in the starting bases.
Â* Â** You'll be able to spawn directly in a vehicle (if the second seat is not taken ofc)

Update by Demize99:

* spotting have been confirmed as mentioned above
* micro UAV is gadget for reacon class
* EOD robot is gadget for engeneer class (it can also plant or defuse mcom)
* Claymores and C4 are for Support class
* Motion mines for reacons, but the functionality and look are changed. It will be bigger static object which must be placed on the ground, enemies won't be located if in prone or duck. It can be destroyed.
* You can unlock multiplayer gadgets playing Coop misions
* TDM will be playable in 24 players, infantry only

I'm not sure if everything is translated correctly, because it comes from czech BF site.

2011-08-19, 10:07
?Only 3 finish guys works for DICE Â*? What does that mean? ÂÂ*If u mean nationality, that's finnish not finish... :P
I thought there were 0 finnish guys so 3 is much ;)

Oh hardcore mode? Well let's see, seems like info changing all the time.

2011-08-19, 10:14
?Only 3 finish guys works for DICE Â*? What does that mean? Â*If u mean nationality, that's finnish not finish... :P
I thought there were 0 finnish guys so 3 is much ;)

Oh hardcore mode? Well let's see, seems like info changing all the time.

Oh you grammr n**i! Say my name then! :)

2011-08-19, 11:20
?Only 3 finish guys works for DICE Â*? What does that mean? Â*If u mean nationality, that's finnish not finish... :P
I thought there were 0 finnish guys so 3 is much ;)

Oh hardcore mode? Well let's see, seems like info changing all the time.

Oh you grammr n**i! Say my name then! :)

Finish and finnish has different meaning. So its a big difference. ÂÂ*:D

2011-08-19, 11:27
?Only 3 finish guys works for DICE Â*? What does that mean? Â*If u mean nationality, that's finnish not finish... :P
I thought there were 0 finnish guys so 3 is much ;)

Oh hardcore mode? Well let's see, seems like info changing all the time.

Oh you grammr n**i! Say my name then! :)

Finish and finnish has different meaning. So its a big difference. Â*:D

I see! You want me to feel embarrased right ?! :)

2011-08-19, 11:29
I just corrected nationality, mate.

2011-08-19, 17:09
Nothing to get your panties in a bunch about Zmrdimor. Finish and Finnish are two completely different words.

Anyhoo, back on topic: I'm really looking forward to the Co-op side of Bf3, since that's a new aspect of the bf series (well i know you could play against bot's in 1942 and such, but they where just running around like headless chickens).

2011-08-19, 21:39
*Strokes chin* Interesting.. ÂÂ*:)