View Full Version : I request sharqi only server (or with little Basrah) back!

2011-08-25, 21:08
Cause I think OG 3 with that map stat (sharqi, basrah.) Was fun!
And I miss it, and finding another sharqi only or nearly only server is hard.
(Good one certainly)

So for there I start a 'petition' who thinks OG3 should be returned to it proper value! ;D


2011-08-25, 22:44
well thats the point of having a combat server, sharqi, basra with some karkand, a non air server, for the ground pounders- but no one seemed to get the idea, it was all eww karkand is on 2, completely forgetting the point that we want to have servers ppl want to テつ*join and stay on, not change to play something else, and sharqi basra was getting boring on its own- we had it for 8 weeks, time for something else

infact it was me that said no dont put oman on 3 to begin, even tho i wanted somewhere to fly, no i said, we need somewhere to practice the cup...and now we are out of the cup its time to change them- you had your turn.

2011-08-26, 07:46
Why do we need Karkand there if we have 24/7 Karkand server? Full support to RPG idea.

2011-08-26, 19:17
I completely disagree with this!

"have servers ppl want to テつ*join and stay on, not change to play something else'"

-> Our Server 3 was known as a good stable Sharqi almost only server. And was generally known by a wide clan player public!
+ Our OG members loved it as well, not you maybe Stompy, but me and couple others did!

(For setting the point server sharqi basrah not other maps I mean)

2011-08-26, 20:12
Any map rotation with tanks gets my vote テつ*:lol:

2011-08-27, 13:22
I liked server 3 as well.. Sharqi with some basra...

2011-08-27, 19:38
I vote for OG 3 sharqui with some basra,i do get mesages on my xfire from people who are askign what hapend to the sharqui only server,because they liked that very much
server 1 shoud have the Oman and Dragonvaley not all maps rotation like it curently has

2011-08-28, 00:15
Agree with omulet! But more Oman rounds then Dragon Valley!

2011-08-30, 09:18
I loved that Sharqi only-server. :(
Even tough I am not OG member.

2011-10-21, 04:44
I concure

2011-10-21, 16:37
i m with rpg we need shrq/bas server these r the maps that i like. or it can be shrq only

2011-11-02, 20:03
This has my vote, for certain テつ*8)

2011-11-03, 12:22
Seems you're outnumbered and outmanned Stompy.. Majority want it the way it was OR.. they all lined with with a spoon to get a scoop from RPGs bumhole. テつ*:D

2011-11-03, 12:39
Rofl don't worry snake :p Stompy sometimes sneaky puts oman on og 1 ! ;D

2011-11-03, 12:52
Well a official vote is required but I do see a lot of people wanting it back.

2011-11-03, 14:36
This vote was made when we still had a server 3, but now we don't have it anymore. You are all a bit late guys.