View Full Version : Is it or is it not baseraping?

2012-01-15, 14:54
Can you guys please help me with this one?

There's this image.


Red dots are US players, green ones are RU players. US player is shooting from C flag towards RU spawn to kill a RU player that's in the middle between his spawn and C flag.

Is that consider to be a spawnkilling/baseraping?

At given image, the US player is directly at the line of C flag. Would the situation change if he would be between C flag and RU spawn and shooting towards RU spawn?


In general, what's consider to be called baseraping?

2012-01-15, 15:03
If I'm not mistaken , the rule is : " Do not get into the buildings towards spawn ?"
So normally , it wouldn't be raping imo ?

Fair ? No , but I think you can't avoid this ....

2012-01-15, 15:03
I personally only consider true baseraping to be when an enemy kills you whilst you are in the area which comes up with a countdown should an enemy walk into it. テつ*Therefore the first picture is acceptable but the second picture is baseraping.

However the fine line comes when people sit in their base and snipe. テつ*I also personally class mortars in their spawn area as fair game.

2012-01-15, 15:05
hmm, if this is supposed to be on Metro, the flag is A, not C. I would say shooting into the proximity of the bank building is baserape no mather where you shoot from, i also say that if you move down from the platey (?) where the flag is and approach towards the main spawn, you also "baserape". this is cause it is not necessary to defend the flag. There are 4 ways to get to the flag or to B. Usually they move up the center stairs, then you can wait to shoot them until they are at the flag, or when they enter the building (claymore ?) If they go up the saide stair/road, you can shoot them when they get up, then they have had plenty of time to be "battleready" and cant say i just spawned. the "but they are snipeing from base" comment, dont stick to me. if you are not visible from their bank spawn, then why should they lay there and shoot ?

Same thing goes in the other end, there is no need to go further then the flag, since you can easily sit behind it and defend it. No need to go to the edge of where you can move before entering "outofbounds" to defend C. This is something people do to get easy kills. Off course people lay down and snipe from the spawn, but that would not get them the flag would it ? then just make sure they cant hit you.

2012-01-15, 15:08
The last image that u are posting SchoogI,thats what I say is baserpae. When u cant get out of main spawn.

2012-01-15, 15:10
I agree with Champ, there is no need to advance past the last flag whilst defending it, whether it be A or C.

2012-01-15, 15:19
Thanks guys for the responses.

iNco and Champ - yeah, when in such situation I even go back at B very often but still, I'm a lot more on the other side, trying to capture the FIRST flag as I try to join the loosing teams all the time.

Would you guys consider player who go past the flag (C or A doesn't matter - metro locker room for C flag and the bus near RU spawn for A flag) deserves a punishment from you, an admin?

2012-01-15, 15:55
In my opinion baseraping is only feasible at the initial spawn.

In order to get bases(flags) you need to kill any opponent in area of that flag.

If you pound a base with everything you have, without conquering that flag, that could also count as baseraping.

2012-01-15, 18:44
But dragon, we dont talk about the moment when flag is capped, we talk about the minutes after, when you have fully control, and people dig in and snipe/rocket at anythng they see, or move as far towards the base they can and farm everybody they see

2012-01-15, 21:54
Oh man... This is a never ending discussion and I bet there always be someone who complains even if he gets killed like in the first picture テつ*:roll:
That's why I rather play Conquest Assault because one team doesn't even have a base but DICE should bring back Double Assault: No uncaps no baserape テつ*:D

2012-01-15, 23:28
It never is base rapping ... you should hop more in the BFP4F side.
We have a different name for that!


That's something completely different then base rapping! テつ*:roll: