View Full Version : New! [OG] BF3 Database

2012-01-23, 07:12
[OG]BF3stats Database (http://bf3stats.oldguys.eu)

2012-01-23, 07:59
Freakin Awesome work m8!!

2012-01-23, 18:06
Looks good. That way it's easy to access.

2012-01-23, 19:14
Nice work m8, look awesome and makes it a lot more easy 8)

2012-01-24, 02:46
First off thanks to Andrew for all the hard work he has put into this.

I think it will be great for spotting cheats by looking at their killstreak or headshot ratio, you can then get their id and search for their name and eaid so you can ban them from every server.

Staff members can even search via ip so that if we get some one on teamspeak giving us grief or what ever we can search this database for his/her name or eaid and then globally ban them.

It has a log function so that we can go into logs and see who has been misbehaving and then deal with them.

If some one has played on multiple servers they will have multiple stat id's. One for each server they have played on, this means you can track how they do depending on server and location etc.

I really do think this database will really work out well for us in the long run.

One thing I will say is don't worry if the link you click takes up to twenty seconds to load as that's normal.

I am sure I have missed out loads more stuff this database can do, so I may well edit this post as I remember or work out more.

2012-01-26, 16:10
Player names are now clickable you will be taken to the player profile on bf3stats.com

Also you can click on playerId and statsID now and retrieve records.

2012-01-26, 16:48
Great great and great work +1000 テつ*:D

thanks テつ*andrew テつ*that you use your skills for the community テつ* (asome job )

Sorry that i have not that many time for now but i see its in good hands

2012-01-26, 17:12
It's awesome. He gave me a tour last night, eaily to spot blatant cheaters (headshots).

2012-01-26, 23:17
No. This is a custom web interface for the data our servers record.

2012-01-28, 08:34
Nice work again, see you have been wroking on the graphic side 8)

2012-02-01, 10:18
Damn it just gets better and better. テつ*Well done mate.

2012-02-05, 00:14
Thank you for being here for us!

2012-02-29, 02:56
Holy shit.... well done!!!.... just checked it after a few days again and WOW. Like it!

Got ideas left or shall I bring up my wishlist?

2012-02-29, 04:17
Ya. Thank you.

Some pretty significant changes have been made.

Make your wish list here would be best.

I have a ton of ideas myself but would love to see what your thinking.

2012-02-29, 09:41
Looking nice now:D
Is it posseble that テつ*a top 100 best players on server? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 テつ*:D

You have make someting nice

2012-03-02, 12:58
March 2nd, 2012

L00_Cyph3r and I have been working tirelessly to bring together this system for the OG community. We really hope that you enjoy the efforts put forth. ツ*8)

Here are the patch notes:

- Complete review of server chat is accomplished.
- Drop down selection of pages instead of pagination was enforced to make for easier browsing.

- Complete listing of servers, stats, chat logs per server with leaderboards for every server and the top 100 on the entire OG network.

- Complete review of individual player chat searchable by:
ツ*a) pagination
ツ*b) selectbox, Last 24 hours, Last 3 days, All history.

- Complete OG network statistics (minus weapon stats which will be added in the next patch.).
- Links to individual server leaderboards added.
- Total stats evaluation on the entire OG network is now available.

- Expanded the amount of results given to 45 from 15.
- Expanded the ability to find all players with a keyword given in a soldier name.
ツ*EXAMPLE: Typing run will display runMFrun, FoxrunFox and Foxrun

- Shows a complete list of the top 100 players of each server has been accomplished.

- Shows the top 100 players on the OG network.

MySQL syncing of the BF3 database is setup on a cronjob in a separate database to increase the speed of the site. This is a work in progress the data will be updated once per hour.

Also once you select a soldier you will continue to reference that soldier until you select a new soldier.

If you have any suggestions for features or find any bugs please post back to this thread. Once we read your post your post will be deleted so this thread wont fill up.

2012-03-02, 23:09
Already discussed on TS, good job! :)

2012-03-02, 23:53
I took a look at this thing, and i have only one thing to say;


2012-03-03, 00:39
We have plans for an admin area which will allow the kicking banning etc. of players.

Live server stats and ticket count.

Catchlist with equations to catch hacks.

Also various little tweaks.

We found a bug in the TOP overall 100 players list which is not adding the total sum of all individual player scores. It is however fairly accurate. Other TOP 100 lists are working as intended.

You guys may not realize this but there is a lot going on in the background.

All I want is a little sucky sucky ツ*:o

If you have any suggestions or a wish list please let me know.

2012-03-03, 21:40
I talked to runMFrun how I did not really like the 'layout' he's built for the stat stacking pages.
So I 'designed' some for him :p

For now I just did a 'Player Stats' page, just so you guys feel where this would be going.
This is also very lightweight, theres only 2 images ... a gradient and the logo, all the rest is pure CSS.

Looks good in Firefox and IE9.

If you like it, just give me a sign and I'll start working on the other pages :)

2012-03-03, 21:54
This will have to wait. I'm working with L00_Cyph3r on this as well on the PHP side of things. We had plans to redo the layout but we figured we'd get the PHP done so that the site actually works first.

I love the initiative, but hate overly bright colors :) ツ*also the soldiers wheres my soldiers!

I'll have to get back to you. L00_Cyph3r won't be back till Monday or Tuesday.

2012-03-03, 22:18
You could just use my layout, to output data you have already. Also changing colors is 3 to 6 characters in the css file :)

I used the orange so it looks better with the logo ツ*:lol: I made it so you can use many stuff in loops :)

Anyway, if it isn't what you had in mind, I tried ;)

2012-03-04, 01:03
We'll talk.

We are going to be switching to <div> from <table> anyway. Both L00_Cyph3r and I are familiar with CSS but we like developing actual programs more than layouts :P

So you may get your way. Hold off on developing more though because we will probably have the layout more gamish :D
If we do have you do the CSS we want to be in on the style change.

2012-03-04, 01:58
So you had a more graphical layout in mind?

2012-04-03, 13:08
Guys, can you add in search something like admin/PB action against player. There should be represented what admin or PunkBuster done to player and with what reason. It can be useful for checking history of players which play on server.

2012-04-07, 20:25
We can only display what is recorded from procon.

2012-04-07, 20:38
That is enough, we need only for our servers and that what is in logs.

2012-05-10, 19:19
you can have a look on this page to get the most importnant events:http://www.oldguys.eu/bf3events/?page_id=1079

2012-06-14, 09:43
wow very cool...