View Full Version : Old Guys Funny Moments

2012-05-07, 15:24
So I have been recording for the past 2 weeks or so everytime I played BF3 with you guys (when I had the time to play) and I put the funniest footage into a video I like to call "Old Guys Funny Moments" :D :


This is the first episode but I like to do more depending if anyone wants to see more, so give me feedback, suggestions, criticism, anything so I know what you liked/disliked or what you want changed/improved and so on. If you watched the video you HAVE TO post feedback ! Please... ツ*:roll:

What I can say now is that if I decide to make more episodes they'll probably be shorter and more polished because editing 15 minutes took me longer than expected which led to decrease in quality and my connection is too slow to upload very long videos (This took whole 10 hours ツ*:!: ツ*to upload) Besides I would like to do this on other games as well provided anyone of you plays something besides Battlefield ツ*:lol:

So what do you think ? ツ*:)

2012-05-07, 17:15
OMG, we talk to much crap on TS, unbelievable テつ*:lol:

But Waddy's logic, rock solid..... テつ*:lol:

2012-05-07, 17:58
I LOL`d テつ*:D

2012-05-07, 22:09
that was funny.

2012-05-07, 22:52

2012-05-07, 23:13
Wonderful dialogue, just an ordinary day at the TS :-)

2012-05-07, 23:56
About feedback... not much I can say for improvement, or what you did wrong. Maybe make shorter clips...

I liked the editing and subtitles a lot.

2012-05-08, 00:24
Yeah shorter clips might be the key but still I can't leave out the long clips where Andrew is talking about dicks and balls テつ*:lol:

2012-05-08, 18:51
8O テつ*at 9:15 the helicopter dude heheh
Funny movie

2012-05-09, 04:09
nice one...

2012-07-08, 03:49


So I finally got around to edit this because I was lazy and I wasn't playing much in the last month so it was hard to find good clips. But this is also because you dicks only play Metro all the day and it is so damn boring that I don't even rewatch the matches on Metro anymore and just delete almost immediately (and probably miss out on something in the process).
Also by watching this video you will probably come to a realization that waddy is one the few funny people in this community SO STEP UP YOUR GAME, damn it...

Made a few tweaks since last video: Shorter clips this time, most of them are less than a minute; less random pictures and rage faces because they were a bit annoying and I didn't really find good spots to put them in anyway. Also I enabled resampling: Looks terrible when you pause a frame but at least it gives a fake feel of 60 FPS for me since I record in 60 FPS but have to deal with Youtube's 30 FPS lock bullshit... I wanted to add some sound effects as well but I think people rambling on TS is more than enough :lol:

So tell watch you think: Improvements, criticism, likes, dislikes etc. And I want to hear some REAL feedback this time and not something like "Oh yeah it was funny..." or like this sausage above me "nice one..." So type some damn words it's not that hard ! :D

2012-07-08, 06:05
Apart from the idiot that nades himself at 8:20 :oops: , good video. I had テつ*a good laugh watching it. Much better than the first one. Criticism? I would not watch the whole 10 minutes if I was not an OG member.