View Full Version : OldGuys BBQ/Meeting

2012-05-31, 09:51
Goodmorning all,

For some time now I have been wanting to organize a community meeting in the Netherlands.
But I never had a good idea on where and how to organize it.
So thats why im going to bring it up here.

My idea would be to have a big BBQ in the Gaasperplas park near Amsterdam.
Its very easy to get to with public transport but also by car.
Its remote so we can all get fucking wasted without people giving a crap.
For people that would come from a little further, and want to spend the night in Amsterdam,
would be able to either take a spot on the campsite closeby,
or maybe I would be able to fix a big house closeby. But that I will update later on.

Ofcourse after the BBQ we can go grab some drinks in the city or whatever we feel like.
For this meeting we would set a date on some weekend, depending on the weather ofcourse.
My suggestion would be the weekend of 7th of July. The weekend earlyer is not possible due to socces finals.

These people can be there:
Vercetti | Frank
TheIncredible | Chris
Caveman | Michiel

There is a catering that delivers a full BBQ meal for 13.50 a person (no drinks) including free delivery.
For this we would have to have a group bigger than 10 guys.

So what do you think? Would you be interested? Would you show up?
If not, can we bribe you with a goodiebag? xD

Let us know by replying!

2012-05-31, 18:08

Good Plan and i quess its OG only right ?

iam lookin forward!

2012-05-31, 20:39
I am down with that!

2012-05-31, 21:16
Great! That is 3 already. Now lets pray for a weekend with good weather.

2012-05-31, 21:18
Depends If I'm available since my GF planned a festival somewhere at the end of June.

2012-05-31, 21:45
definitely 7th of july because of money getting paid on the 1th

if itツエs the 30th i am out

on the 7th i am so in that

2012-05-31, 23:08
why dont you dutch guys make this in a place more accessable for the majority of te members, soo in norway ?
Most of our members are swedes, and everbody "knows" that the majority of all swedes live in norway, cause there are no jobs for young swedes in sweden

2012-06-01, 00:11
Denmark テつ*:wink:

2012-06-01, 18:07
I'd love to come but driving 450 km back and forth plus a night at a hotel is a bit too expensive for my small budget... テつ*:(
Maybe if I had somebody to take with me so that we can split the costs then I would consider it but for now it's a no-go...

2012-06-01, 19:56
I will be in Denmark in 25 of July. In Kopenhagen. I could buy u a beer :-)

2012-06-01, 20:45
Sounds fun, I'll keep you posted since I need my schedule first for work :)

2012-06-01, 22:38
Nice, maybe this is just a start. and we can discus that idee later with going to norway or so ?
if everyone is still here ? then we just can take a date so everyone got enough time.


2012-06-01, 22:50
ExLee you could pick me up maybe
Donツエt know your exact route but Mテカnchengladbach should not be that much of a detour no matter which Frankfurt you are from (Main or Oder?)

2012-06-01, 23:25
Yes, this is meeting number 1. I would love to go to norway in meeting number 2.

2012-06-02, 08:47
Me like it and can make it too!

2012-06-02, 20:06
ExLee you could pick me up maybe
Donツエt know your exact route but Mテカnchengladbach should not be that much of a detour no matter which Frankfurt you are from (Main or Oder?)

Hmm, that could work and it would only be about ca. 20km detour from Main... I will have to look into this matter. I do not promise anything but if nothing comes up in the next 4 weeks or so (e.g. money / car problems, different appointments etc.) テつ* I think we could hit the road then 8)

2012-06-10, 22:14
We'll see where I am in a month's time since still unemployed, money will be tight and what not but who knows...so put me down for a maybe ;)

2012-06-10, 22:24
Would be great if you could make it Adam!

2012-06-10, 23:48
Looking forward to seeing all of you. So lets see, the 7th of July it will be.
Spread the word!

2012-06-11, 07:49
Damn, it will cost me only on airplane tickets 500 euros to come to Amsterdam :( Unfortunately no :(

2012-06-19, 13:52
3 weeks to go :)

2012-06-19, 14:36
Good news is that we wont need catering. Since I believe we wont make it to 10ppls.
Just a few crates of beer. Combined with a fuck-load of meat and bread. And we will be fine!
I also got two BBQ's. That we can use. And the park has alot of picknick tables.
We can all meet in my old house, where now my mother lives.. and from there move together to the park.
Better parking etc etc.

One week prior too I would like some confirmations if you can bee there, so I can sent pm with adress details.

2012-06-19, 17:51
please also post directions from Amsterdam Centraal station....

2012-06-19, 18:22
will do. Car directions are more easy if you go to the house directly tough. Central Amsterdam is fucked with car.

2012-06-20, 01:34
hey guys a question, a friend of my can bring me (also played on my account and use TS for command&conquer. and i think some of you have spoken with him) but yeah is he able to join also ? or not.

2012-06-20, 06:41
in my opinion, the more the better.

We still need to see how we are going to do it with the cash tough.
Are we going foodshopping "oldguys" style?
All meet at the house, then have a few guys drive the with one car to the park to drop the BBQ's, and a few guys getting the food? There is a mall very closeby. Its all within 5min drive from eachother.

2012-06-20, 12:46
OK nice,

if everyone agree? i can take him.
and the cash wont be a prob.

2012-06-23, 15:37
You can count me out... Sorry, guys but it turns out I have to work on that Saturday and my car isn't performing very well so it's not gonna happen for me one way or the other テつ*:(

2012-06-23, 20:15
I won't make it guys.

2012-06-23, 22:32
Meh, FAIL~!
Atleast the fun people will be there テつ*8)

2012-06-23, 23:27
aw... テつ*maybe next time girls :P. but btw how much money shell we take ? anyone ?

iam gonna let my friend pay everything he is a NON MEMBER :P テつ*dont tell him that ok :P

2012-06-24, 10:48
I won't be able to make it. My family has a meeting on the same day.

Have a good one!

2012-06-24, 22:18
I will be there later for drinks guys.
My dad decided to celebrate his birthday on the 7th after all (9th of July).
We'll go for dinner, but after it I will tag along!

2012-06-25, 10:44
Sounds good Frank. We can find a nice bar, shoot some pool.

2012-06-25, 11:19
ERROR (Amsterdam)
Vercetti (Amsterdam).....but late
TheIncredible (Germany)

0daro0 & Friend (Netherlands)
Caveman (Netherlands)
RPGforYOU & girlfriend (Belgium)
Salvenius (UK)

ExLee (Germany)
Shadowfox (Belgium)
Macknetic (Netherlands)

2012-06-25, 12:45
ERROR (Amsterdam)
Vercetti (Amsterdam).....but late
TheIncredible (Germany)
0daro0 & Friend (Netherlands)

DarkVoo (Netherlands)
Commando (Netherlands)
Caveman (Netherlands)
RPGforYOU & girlfriend (Belgium)
Salvenius (UK)

ExLee (Germany)
Shadowfox (Belgium)
Macknetic (Netherlands)

2012-06-25, 13:47
Hey Guys,

I wanna join too, but I've got to put my mom on a plane to NYC...
Plane is leaving at 17:30, so I don't know for sure how soon I can get there...

But I'll do my best to leave Schiphol asap ;)

So I will be there... Just don't know if I can help with going to the store and stuff...

2012-06-25, 14:41
L00, we gonna parteh till the early dawn bro! :P
Just like frank, come after taking care of your parent(s).

Ill sent another PM to everyone by the end of this week with my mobile number in it.

2012-06-25, 18:49
I like the bbq and the travelling is ok for me.
On the 7th I am on the wedding of my cousin.
I hope you have a good time!

2012-06-27, 02:46

if i got time i might tag along aswell, well let you know next week.

2012-06-27, 18:10
would be fun if we could organize something in sweden sometime!^^

or close by like norway or denmark!

But at this point i wont be able to join you guys down in heineken-land!

2012-06-27, 23:45
would be fun if we could organize something in sweden sometime!^^

or close by like norway or denmark!

But at this point i wont be able to join you guys down in heineken-land!

and you forget yours favorite country. (Finland) テつ*:!:

2012-06-28, 22:28
I'll come if you guys spring for a plane ticket from the US :P

2012-06-29, 20:51
I also will not make it, maybe next time. :s

2012-07-02, 18:51
Guys its almost here.

Lets make テ* time ?

2012-07-03, 08:34
yeah....96 hours left and still 4 people need to say if they have time and we did not agree on an exact start time for the BBQ.

I only know it is ok to arrive in the saturday morning. So i will probably just sit myself in the train after i wake up...whenever that will be...and then take my 3 hour ride.

2012-07-03, 08:51
Yes, lets meet at the adres that I will pm you today. And lets meet around 12:00 on saturday.
I suggest that we decide on the day itself wetter we go BBQ or just out drinking, play some pool ect ect

2012-07-03, 13:33
ok sure,

just lets me and the others know.

i dunno if i can come @ 12 already. i work late this week so iam coming home like saterday night.

just let get a time and we whill see

2012-07-04, 19:27
I will be there 8)

2012-07-05, 00:41
I heard this might be postponed 2 weeks?

2012-07-05, 02:28
why ? hmm ? ok what shell we do ? just meet and look further.

a time would be handy between 12-14 ?

2012-07-05, 19:19
Unfortunatly I do not have the energy to host a BBQ right now..
and really not for only max 5 people.

Im still up for some drinks in Amsterdam, saturday evening or so, but I really need to unwind this weekend.
havent slept in a week or so.. due to high pressure from work.

2012-07-05, 21:22
ok jim
take care of yourself!

2012-07-05, 21:28
Ok what do we do ?? Shell we cancel ? En put in for next time

2012-07-06, 15:45
i realy need to know, what do we do guys ?
Iam coming home late so i want to know that i need to go in my bad.

so what do we do?

2012-07-06, 16:28
Cancel, I'll set a new date tomorrow!

2012-07-06, 16:38
Ah a new date! Maybe I'll be able to come afterall ;)