View Full Version : Adapt your UI

2012-06-09, 11:28
Hey folks,

I stumbled upon this vid from RivaLxfactor in which he shows a way to adjust your BF 3 user interface. Bascially, the minimap and the ammo/health info are placed in the center on the bottom of the screen below your crosshairs/sight instead of all the way in the corners of the screen.

That way this essential info is much closer to the point where your always looking or aiming, which means less eye movement, which saves you time. And these few tenths of a second can mean the difference between dying or getting a kill. And not dying and getting kills are generally good things.

This might require a little time to get used to. But I know from experience in other games that these little UI tweaks can really be a big improvement. I'm gonna try this out for a while. Don't forget to save your current settings to a back up folder though!

These YouTubers are a bit full of themselves sometimes but I gotta say they come up with some very useful stuff now and again. Credits for this handy little tweak go to RivaLxfactor.


2012-06-09, 11:33
Yeah i try before its pretty good but think i need bit more time to adept with it,Cheers for the post :wink:

2012-06-09, 11:57
Oh nice thanks, been really annoyed not to be able to move the UI Cheers!

2012-06-09, 17:27
I must add that making this adjustment to the UI also moves the chat window at the top left inward with the same amount as the minimap on the bottom which is not ideal. Strangely enough the Kill Feed stays in the top right corner.

Gonna look further into this.