View Full Version : Ban C4 on Conquest Domination?

2012-06-15, 13:11
The burn radius on the flags in Conquest Domination is very small. A player can just place C4 at the A flag for example and just watch the burn indicators on the minimap. Once it starts to flash you just click the detonator and it guarantees you have one or multiple kills, no matter where you are on the map.

Not sure if C4 can be shot or 'naded' but I am sure that having to worry about C4 each time you're about to cap a flag completely breaks up the flow of the high speed gameplay that makes this game mode fun. Â*

While not 100% a glitch or exploit this comes very close as the flag indicators are not intended as kill indicators. And it's highly likely we will be seeing a lot of this. Personally, if I notice 2 or more players doing this I leave the server. We could consider banning C4 on OG Conquest Domination servers to prevent annoyance and to keep the fast gameplay intact.

I have no clue if this is realistic from a technincal standpoint. Just sharing my thoughts on this because I think it's something the staff could consider.

2012-06-15, 13:12
I use my lovely 320 before i enter the flag. It clear all the C4 :-)

2012-06-15, 13:30
Yeah i usually toss a nade in to clear any c4 or gaymores. All though i know that's not the point putting explosives on the caps is not on imo. If you ban c4 you will just have dice/ea on your back once someone reports it.

2012-06-15, 13:58
Then we should ban C4 in rush also :)

I am personally against banning C4. Yes, it is annoying but ... it is part of game same as claymores or TUG-s.

2012-06-15, 15:34
Just get the usas-12 and control day and night! like a GOD!!!11!1!!1! ÂÂ*8)

2012-06-15, 16:04
Even though this isn't how C4 was supposed to be used, my opinion is that we should not remove weapons from the game as long as they are not glitched (AUG, M26, ...) Since I've been here it hasn't been done and I would keep it that way.

As said before, grenade/M320/fraground/... clear the area anyway ;)

2012-06-15, 18:02
Not banning weapons unless there is serious glitching going on makes sense. Otherwise you open the door to a flood of complaints from players that get annoyed by some tactic or weapon. The C4 thing was just something I noticed. It seemed like a good idea to make a thread and see what the opinions are.

It kinda looks like I won't be playing CQ that often anyways. It misses certain true BF3 gameplay elements that I really like. For me, it's more a like a quick snack. Something different I can enjoy for a couple of rounds in between playing real BF3 maps with all the strategic depth they have to offer.

2012-06-15, 18:57
Same here, I play 2 or 3 rounds to get warmed/pumped up and then I play some real BF3 :D

2012-06-16, 00:02
+1 to no weapon banning except glitched ones. ...and after most guys completed the C4-assignment ... that flagblowing will decrease ...

2012-06-17, 19:26
I use it myself. Its one mean to control flags, so why not? There is no discussion about claymores at mcoms, so why do we need a discussion here?

Its part of the game and as long it is not bug, lets have fun and use every advantage the different weapons own.

2012-06-17, 20:13
Never ban a weapon for just being "annoying". Worst reason ever to ban something.

C4 is fine, just look before you move (throw a nade whenever you're capping a flag).

2012-06-17, 23:41
Yes yes, I think I already mentioned somewhere halfway this thread that the matter of banning C4 is no longer an issue for me as I kinda lost interest in the CQ gameplay already. But OG's just keep responding hehe. I do appreciate the comments though. Â*:D

2012-06-19, 04:02