View Full Version : Trail Member Privileges?

2012-07-08, 12:38
Does Trail members have any privileges in-game to give commands like !yell or !say.... ? Suggestion to give Trail Members these rights? Especially when a Full member is not online with admin rights, its difficult for a Trail member to actually prevent base-raping without spamming the Chat area with constant messages not to base-rape, half of the people hide there chat anyway.....

2012-07-08, 20:56
I am not sure will !yell help. Without kill or kick that won't work.

2012-07-08, 21:53
It is something I struggled with during my Trial aswell. It is hard to enforce the rules, when you are powerless.
Giving minimal powers to trials is necessary in my opinion, afterall the Trial period is there to see if they are fit to wield the adminpower.

2012-07-09, 10:48
I do agree with not giving Trail members full admin rights like kick, ban and nuke!
but yell and say is different obviously not as effective as the other commands, its probably most of the times there just to give the first and second warnings before you nuke then start kicking players.
Even if it doesn't make an affect on the game, at least other players can see there is an attempt being made to warn these bastards not following the rules and not losing players on servers due to this.

Trail Members to use commands like !say and !yell ONLY, please let me know why this will be a negative thing?

PS- I'm not fighting your rules here, it is just a suggestion :)