View Full Version : Curmudgeony Guys Gaming

2012-08-02, 11:37
While I haven't been perma banned, you might as well since I don't have any plans on coming back to your server, even though it's been in my favorites since I started playing a few months back.

In nearly every case I've seen of a temp ban or kick by the admins on your server of me or anyone else, it's almost always been out of spite, not any genuine attempt to moderate anything. In every case where I've been spawn killed and asked wtf is up with OG members present on the server - nothing, complete apathy. Kill an admin though somewhat close to the last cap point and prepare to get kicked. I've never even seen anyone receive a warning and half the time no reason for the kick/ban is even stated.

First time I got kicked I was at C platform, like in capping range RU side, shooting someone who was next to the right side train - kicked for "spawnraping" because they were apparently past the lockers by the door.

2nd time, was shooting back at snipers - and only snipers, US side while in building who were shooting at me. Again, capping range and defending myself. The laughable thing is I actually got a flag defender medal about 5 sec before getting kicked. DICE pats me on the head while OG kicks me.

Just now I got kicked again for being US side again, in a building, capping range shooting at someone who was at the bottom of the stairs throwing a grenade at me.

Kicks/bans are always the result of an admin's retaliation to something they find disagreeable, not any genuine attempt to discipline or improving the fun of others. I guess it's easier to kick/ban a person than aim and shoot back.

I've attempted to communicate to your admins while watching them going on banning sprees on other people, telling them the only genuine solution is to balance the teams via full shuffles or manually moving some of the better players around, since all you're doing in the end is moving the base rape to a further position and not fixing it at the core. Again, apathy, banning people is more fun than making the game fun for everyone.

This doesn't say Old Guys Gaming to me, it just says curmudgeony old farts who enjoy going on power trips every time a game isn't going their way. Really, reconsider what your goals are in terms of moderation. Is it balanced games that are fun for everyone? Or is it retaliating against people who killed you a foot too close to the imaginary no-no zone? If you actually put any effort into balancing teams there's no reason spawn raping would even happen in the first place.

Best of luck with your server, hope you don't alienate/ban the rest of the community. I simply don't find it fun to play on anymore so I don't think I'll be coming back.

2012-08-02, 11:55
From what i see, you have been kicked 3 times for breaking our rules, I dont understand the fuzz about it.

If you want OG admins til balance the teams while they are playing, i hope you put your arm up and say "Hey you can kick me to make room soo you can move people around" (cause of course you know that you CANT move people around on a full server?).

In all the three cases you mention, I see that you have done a unwise thing, it is completly possible to hold the end flags, without getting shot at from the guys sitting in base. (They will sit in base as long as they have people on the end flag shooting at them, or they see somebody they think might shoot at them). Soo stay out of sight from the mainbases, and you can still perfectly defend your flag, and dont break any rules.

And U also dont mind if playing with your friends, we move you mid into your good round or your good spree. (The good players very often comes in pairs or more, and we cant move all of them can we, cause then we end up in the same stalemate, only other way around). Well I hope you calm down, and come back when you have learned how to play by the rules, instead of argueing that the rules are wrong. The rules are set by people with Loooooooong experience with FPS's games, there is a reason why OG-servers have been VERY popular in every FPS game for a loong time.

2012-08-02, 12:04
Base raping - Mate, base raping is problem which you can notice only if you stand next to person which shoot on base or when you get shoot in base. I can't trust you on word that you got shoot in base as there are always "bad" guys which will just false accuse good player. Don't go on RU side from A flag and you will be protected from shoots from RU spawn or grenades. Don't shoot at people on street. You can protect A from side of metro entrance.

Balancing server - It is practically impossible to manually balance server. When you start to switch players they more often go out of server then play for losing side. Let not to speak about bunch of verbal attacks on admins. In most cases losing side can fight back after 2 nukes. Of course it wont be 10 ticked difference but it will be fun game.

Partially you have point about speaking to players and try to explain to them. But i have question for you, have you ever try to do that? We have try to do that and even now some of our members are doing that. You can check our ban section, here is one subject for you http://www.oldguys.eu/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=5712 . I personally don't have that much patience those days. You constantly explain to people to fallow rules and they constantly break those rules. Same as you i like to play BF3, when you play as admin, you don't play, you are doing full time job.

Please read this topic for explanation:

2012-08-02, 12:12
Just like Gisse says here テつ*:arrow: テつ*DONT FRIKEN BASERAPE テつ*:evil:

2012-08-02, 13:16
From what i see, you have been kicked 3 times for breaking our rules, I dont understand the fuzz about it.

If you want OG admins til balance the teams while they are playing, i hope you put your arm up and say "Hey you can kick me to make room soo you can move people around" (cause of course you know that you CANT move people around on a full server?).

Server wasn't full last time I got kicked. Also that story with me trying to reason with an admin who went on a banning spree - there was room before and after he started banning people, it didn't matter, he preferred to ban than to moderate.

In all the three cases you mention, I see that you have done a unwise thing, it is completly possible to hold the end flags, without getting shot at from the guys sitting in base. (They will sit in base as long as they have people on the end flag shooting at them, or they see somebody they think might shoot at them). Soo stay out of sight from the mainbases, and you can still perfectly defend your flag, and dont break any rules.

Yes, in all cases I shot back at people who shot at me first who did NOT just spawn and were fully able to defend themselves. Sorry for the baserape.

And U also dont mind if playing with your friends, we move you mid into your good round or your good spree. (The good players very often comes in pairs or more, and we cant move all of them can we, cause then we end up in the same stalemate, only other way around). Well I hope you calm down, and come back when you have learned how to play by the rules, instead of argueing that the rules are wrong. The rules are set by people with Loooooooong experience with FPS's games, there is a reason why OG-servers have been VERY popular in every FPS game for a loong time.

Well I'm a rare case of not caring in those scenarios. What you are suggesting however, is that it's better to not disrupt the gameplay of 1-2 people for the enjoyment of everyone else on the server. You're saying it's much better to let the game go to hell and have a pile of good players on 1 side baseraping, and in the end disrupting their play by kicking them rather than moving them around before it escalates to that.

Side note: I've been playing MPFPS since quakeworld so you don't need to preach to me how experienced your players are, and I would urge you to reconsider how effective mass banning is vs shuffling around a few players when possible, or nuking a few times, or shuffles at the end of matches. There are plenty of alternatives and they all seem superior.

Balancing server - It is practically impossible to manually balance server. When you start to switch players they more often go out of server then play for losing side. Let not to speak about bunch of verbal attacks on admins. In most cases losing side can fight back after 2 nukes. Of course it wont be 10 ticked difference but it will be fun game.

So you're saying that people potentially leaving after switching them is not as effective as waiting until the game is shit for everyone then banning them for baseraping because the other team refuses to leave their base?

And on the topic of nuking, I've asked before, several times, as the winning team to get nuked (vote nuke apparently doesn't work from the winning team) and the admins I've played with will refuse to nuke and will go ahead and ban instead. This is the type of shit I'm talking about. There are better solutions and the admins I seem to play with almost never choose them.

How about a simple rule, like team nuke if one team hasn't been able to start capturing the last cap point in ~2 min? That's clearly a baserape scenario because they're not getting out of their spawn. What do you think will happen when 32 people have all come on the server to have fun and that fun involves shooting people? You think 16 of them will just go for a coffee break while the other team moves up?

Can someone explain to me why kick/ban would ever be preferable to nuking? Isn't the losing team still getting baseraped just slightly further down with the current rules? Doesn't nuking actually give the other team a chance and pose at least some challenge to the winning team? I just don't understand the kick/ban trigger finger as anything but spiteful reprisal.

I suggest a new rule: If you're getting baseraped and you're not playing assault with M320 smoke you get kicked/banned. Instead of punishing the people who are playing too well you punish the ones who are too dumb to use the right tools to win. It would be equally ineffective and potentially just as dumb. Perfect, right?

2012-08-02, 13:22
I would suggest you to become member of OG and try to implement all that what you wrote ;) After week or two you could tell me again what you think about that what you wrote.

EDIT: Even as trial you will notice problems.

2012-08-02, 16:02
We have admin`s here that have played games since commodore 64 テつ*:wink:
So I think we real do know how to run servers. テつ*:D

We type so all players can see it in the MAIN screen. NO BASERAPE. BASERAPERS WILL BE BANNED.
If they realy cant see that well then its theyr loss.

The warning on the main screen is working better and better I say.
But playing admin on the servers is realy hard from time to time we go from US to RU side a lot when we play.

2012-08-02, 16:21
Cant we just ban this dude, he clearly cried his mom into buying him the game, since he doesnt seem old enough to be able to do soo himself. He also seem to have NO experience whatsoever with Admining a server full of kids (wich 80 percent+ of all players are, either in age or in behaviour, or both). When we that are admins play on the servers, it is actually to primarly play and have fun with our friends, not to sit and play police, and argue with kids, that get caught with their hand in the "cookie jar" for the 10th times this week.

You say you only shoot back at people that shoots at you from base, Well then I say you are pretty stupid. Why you place yourself in an area where you can get shot, without beeing able to defend yourself, according to server rules. when there are LOTS of other and more fun ways to defend.
Thoose people shooting out of mainbase will do soo, as long as there are people shooting into the spawn or they feel they will be killed on their way up, cause they dont want to die, as much as you dont want to die. Soo my best advice, is to hide, soo they cant see you, There is actually much more fun and easy to kill the enemy between A and the Metro, and Between C flag and the B stairs, and you will actually win the game if you hold only the two flags nearest to your mainbase, you actually win faster by not takeing the last flag. (OG research)

2012-08-02, 16:29
No, we can't, he didn't cheat or perform repeatable offense on servers.

2012-08-02, 17:04
We just have to wait then

2012-08-02, 21:00
There is a baseraping problem on Metro that we canツエt get trough becouce of the map structure. We can work the hell as admin but we never get people to understand how to play the metro in a way that we want to. Gamers of today have no sence of fair game. There is to much individal on a modern gamer.

2012-08-02, 22:10
We have admin`s here that have played games since commodore 64 ツ*:wink:
Well, I'll admit I have very little experience admining C64 servers so you've got me there.

Cant we just ban this dude

Thank you for exemplifying exactly what I've been claiming is the problem with the admins on your servers. I'm trying to make suggestions for improving the experience of all players, you're ignoring all of it and saying the only way to police your server is to kick everyone you don't like. Oh you're there to have fun with friends and don't want to bother? So is everyone else, except they're there to have their idea of fun not yours. Practically no one is going to check your official forums for what you consider base rape zones before playing, so going off kicking and banning without even a warning to people isn't going to get you effective results.

You also must have also missed the part where I said I have no plans of playing on your servers. It's ok, I know you old folks have vision and memory problems. I'm sure you'll be able to take out your pent up rage on someone else soon enough.

No one has even tried to explain to me why banning/kicking would be any more effective than nuking. Seems the only answer I'm getting is "admining is too hard so we ban all day". Sorry you feel that way but that just isn't a fun environment to play in.

Best of luck with your clan / server.

2012-08-02, 23:00
Well when I have nuked the same guys 10 times in 2 rounds, dont you think it is about time i kick/ban them ? The rules get posted Repeatedly in the middle of the screen.

2012-08-02, 23:16
We have admin`s here that have played games since commodore 64 ツ*:wink:
Well, I'll admit I have very little experience admining C64 servers so you've got me there.

Cant we just ban this dude

Thank you for exemplifying exactly what I've been claiming is the problem with the admins on your servers. I'm trying to make suggestions for improving the experience of all players, you're ignoring all of it and saying the only way to police your server is to kick everyone you don't like. Oh you're there to have fun with friends and don't want to bother? So is everyone else, except they're there to have their idea of fun not yours. Practically no one is going to check your official forums for what you consider base rape zones before playing, so going off kicking and banning without even a warning to people isn't going to get you effective results.

You also must have also missed the part where I said I have no plans of playing on your servers. It's ok, I know you old folks have vision and memory problems. I'm sure you'll be able to take out your pent up rage on someone else soon enough.

No one has even tried to explain to me why banning/kicking would be any more effective than nuking. Seems the only answer I'm getting is "admining is too hard so we ban all day". Sorry you feel that way but that just isn't a fun environment to play in.

Best of luck with your clan / server.


I try my best to see your point here but du U know how MUCH work it is to admin a server?.
The Metro server`s are realy hard.
And I DONT want to sitt there all day just doing admin stuf. I also like to PLAY the game.

I have a tip for ya. Start your own server and run things your way テつ*:wink:

2012-08-02, 23:49
I try my best to see your point here but du U know how MUCH work it is to admin a server?.
The Metro server`s are realy hard.
And I DONT want to sitt there all day just doing admin stuf. I also like to PLAY the game.

I have a tip for ya. Start your own server and run things your way ツ*:wink:

I realize you just want to play. Last time I got spawn killed you were on the server, I complained, you kept playing. I just want to play too in a server where I don't get punished for killing the wrong person. Which is why I'm moving on to a different server.

The kicks/bans are handed out for people killing admins, not for people breaking the rules as no one gives a shit if I get spawn killed. I've also never seen 10 nukes in 2 rounds, I have seen 6 bans in 1 round however. I think if the same people keep dominating the game so badly that nukes do nothing then it's time to manually rebalance the teams.

But you could care less about my opinion since you've all played video games for so long any advice I have is apparently irrelevant. Guess I should have told my mommy to buy me a different game, sorry for bothering you all. Continue with what you're doing since I guess it's working great for you, I'll just try and play on shittier servers with admins who try and enforce fun through methods other than kicking everyone who kills them.

2012-08-03, 07:42
Mate, apply for membership and you will have exclusive right to admin server 4 and server 7. I will specially lobby for you to admin those servers in the way you just wrote ;)

When you complain i can't kick player as i didn't saw that. It is same if i would ban or kick players for which other players say that they are cheaters. I would need to kick or ban my self couple times already if i do like you say. When you are administrating server you have responsibility to check what somebody say not just to believe on word.

I understand that you are upset that admin don't react when you get killed in spawn. There is no other way to check who fired at base except to stand next to person which shoot in base, to get killed by such person or to kill such person in area where he/she shouldn't be.

I would gladly accept any suggestion you have as that is problem which can't be solved easy and take lot of work. I personally don't need (at least non payed) full time job on server because somebody break rules. If i notice somebody in breaking rules .... kick/ban ... depending from offense he made. If i didn't notice them ... well, next time i will.

So, apply for membership, come and become full member and try to administrate server your way ;)