View Full Version : Bad Company 3 - Here we go again!

2012-08-18, 23:13
Mirror's Edge 2 and Battlefield:

Bad Company 3 could be coming from DICE despite the relative radio silence in the past few years.

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While EA and DICE remain coy about Mirror's Edge 2, a sequel seems all but inevitable.

In an interview with IGN, DICE executive producer Patrick Bach continued EA's (as well as DICE's) pro-Mirror's Edge 2 messaging, staring that Mirror's Edge is a property "we love, and of course we haven't killed it, because it's too good to kill." This also applies to Battlefield: Bad Company 3.

“The Bad Company IP is still something we love," Bach continued, "and it’s very dear to me because I worked on both titles. We have no information with where we are to a sequel to Bad Company, so I can’t tell you anything about that IP." When asked about the uncertain future of the Bad Company franchise, particularly with Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 taking center stage for the developer's foreseeable future, Bach emphasized that DICE will "never kill something that's great."

This reinforces an earlier DICE statement: "We haven't killed Bad Company 3." We may not see it now, but it sounds like its return is also inevitable.

"And then of course," Bach continued, "we have other projects in store for you." Is DICE working on an original new game? Another sequel? "You’ll just have to wait and see."

2012-08-19, 13:17
Fingers crossed for Mirror's Edge 2 before Battlefield 4 or at least Bad Company 3 ÂÂ*:)

2012-08-20, 11:35
iam looking forward to Badcompany 3, i played 2 soo long XD and still sometimes on my ps3 ^^

2012-10-07, 22:58
Do we suppose BFBC3 will be more similar to BFBC2 than BF3? I enjoy BF3, I guess, but i had far more fun on Bad Company 2.

2012-10-08, 05:30
Considering that Bad Company 2 was more or less "Copy & Paste" game from Bad Company 1 with few minor extras added and considering that in the end both games were pretty much just tech demos of Frostbite engine, I sincerely do not hope that if ever a Bad Company 3 or something comes out that it will not be similar to BC2....

But who am I to talk, I still hope for Battlefield 2143 so I must be stupid ÂÂ*:roll:

2012-10-11, 02:40
My problem with Battlefield 3 lies is some of the mechanics, and the general design of the maps; I truly loathe the suppression effect. In addition, I dislike the "tunneling" of the maps, where players are funneled together into chaos. In many cases, it seems that once your team has been pinned down, there's no coming back. In BFBC2, a few good players jumping into a server would drastically change the tide. It seems that the desire to make this a team-dependent game made the warfare more like that which one would experience during the civil war, not anything more contemporary. In a game where I'm able to literally bring back the dead, I think all the attention to realism is somewhat of a wash. I would like to see a return to the old style FPS.

2012-10-11, 11:39
Bongawter, some nice points there.

I'm curious though, what bothers you about the suppression effect?

Also I see the other point differently. I think that even in BF3 a few good players can change the tide, even with the team pinned down.

2012-10-11, 16:28
Bongawter, some nice points there.

I'm curious though, what bothers you about the suppression effect?

Also I see the other point differently. I think that even in BF3 a few good players can change the tide, even with the team pinned down.

I have a very deep hate for surpression.

Simply because its a retarded mechanic that helps noobs and handicaps skilled players. You hit somebody, and he missed. So who will get suppression? Him, the guy who missed, nope. Me, i hit the guy, Â*i was the better shot, yet i get handicapped with stupid random bulletspread and blur. Makes no sense at all and pisses me the fuck off.

This mechanic adds literally NOTHING to the game but annoyance, it doesn not simulate fear. Like a Soldier who's being shot at cant see shit all a sudden, or if his rifle will magically shoot bullets at 90 degree angle out of the barrel..
Its a game, mechanic's like fear will never ever work. Its a game you respawn, nobody cares about dieng, and there is no possible way of implenting this in a game.

Its a total gimmick feature, thats cool for 5 min and after that you wonder, hmm why did they put this shit in.
Same with the Designers, "OW WE HAZ TO SHOW THE PLAYERS HOW MONSTEROUSLY EPIC LENSFLARES OUR ENGINE CAN MAKE." So they put in a Sun that is brighter than all the stars in the galaxy combined, and even put insane lensflares on headlights in a parking garage, and blue tint... game goes on and on...
Dont even get me started lol.

But i do think you got my point on why I hate suppression and think it sucks :).

2012-10-11, 16:57
[align=justify:c65b74db04]Don't want to turn this thread into "Why I love or hate BC2" thread but as far as I know few good players good turn the tides in BC2 because there were few weapon that were unbalanced and superior to everything.
Have 3 Engineer running Carl Gustav with explosive spec and one AN-94 assault with ammo and they're unbeatable or have 4 M-60 medics running the so-called "Medic train" which even worse.

And to be honest I think that BC2 maps were way more "tunneling" because almost every conquest map had only 3 flags which made people always run the same paths or getting pinned because the "same paths" were blocked.
Of the top of my head I see only 3 maps that enforce tunneling in BF3: Metro (of course), Bazaar and Seine. All them are pretty much the most favorite maps of the game and often found in "Infantry only" playlists. Maybe this says that the problem lies more in the BF3 community's mentality than in the game itself... Because I can't remember getting pinned down on a map like Firestorm or Caspian like I ALWAYS getting pinned down on Metro..[/align:c65b74db04]

2012-10-11, 23:24
But BC2 was max 32 players wasn't it? If I remember correctly.

2012-10-12, 08:03
Re: suppression thing. I have to say that, me being a n00b player and all, I like to play support class just because of this. So perhaps this is what they had in mind - nerf your skill a bit and give me some experience and sense of progress no matter how bad I am?
So the point of the effect being that they make the game just a bit more fun on new players.

I'm not saying that if I at some future point in time get to be a decent player I won't be annoyed by this too :)

Good point on the "I hit him, no suppression, he misses me, I get suppressed" thing though.

2012-10-13, 22:48
Bongawter, some nice points there.

I'm curious though, what bothers you about the suppression effect?

Also I see the other point differently. I think that even in BF3 a few good players can change the tide, even with the team pinned down.

Well, the problem I have with suppression is the fact that it really does handicap better players. Not to sound like an elitist, but I think the game being won on skill is what really defines a good FPS. I understand the desire to force team-centric play, but in BFBC2, a good player could battle his way through multiple opponents more consistently. Also, suppression promotes cheap play, re: camping. In previous versions of the game, if you're better than the guy who got the drop on you, you could often spin around and shoot your way out of what is now certain death. I remember rounds that were so much more competitive and enjoyable. When I think back on my fondest memories of, say, White Pass, I remember a map burned to the ground. What you have now is people setting up camp and holding a position. The speed of the game seems slower, and it feels less competitive. Maybe that's just my own slewed perspective, though. Maybe more people prefer this style of play. Myself an my friend who gave up on BF3 completely used to wonder off and attack objective ourselves when our team curled up and died. That never seems to happen anymore.