View Full Version : End Game DETAILS!!!

2012-12-20, 22:57
Four new maps designed for high speed combat and action
Three new vehicles including the fast and agile dirt bikes
New dropship provides support to ground troops with vehicle drop capabilities
Return of the classic Capture The Flag game mode

CTF pwns!!!!

2012-12-21, 06:13
Ohw hell yeah, looks freaking awesome.

Riding motorbikes in BF3 テつ*8) テつ*8) テつ*8) テつ*8) テつ*8) テつ*:idea: テつ*8) テつ*8) テつ*8) テつ*8) テつ*8)

2012-12-21, 07:34
already see new OG event テつ*:D

2012-12-21, 17:26
already see new OG event ツ*:D
Like that Quad Race Event? テつ*:roll:

2012-12-21, 18:43
Better, bikes :)

2012-12-21, 18:45
I suspect bikes to handle like quads though. Knowing DICE lazy design.
So no wheelies, backflips etc :/

2012-12-21, 20:18
I think you all are blinded by BF 1942s nostalgia here because I remember that very little people ever played CTF in BF 1942. It was cool to take a plane and fly the flag to your base but I don't think BF3 will let us take jets or even helicopters in CTF.
And I am one the few here who ever played BF2: Modern Combat which had CTF mode and let me tell you how awful it was: 4x4 maps, no vehicles and campers putting C4s on the flags all the time...

What I'm saying is that Battlefield is simply not designed for CTF: You give people tons of vehicles then it is really hard retake a flag once taken, you give no vehicles and it becomes CoD... Maybe they can find the middle ground and make it work but seriously I bet everyone gonna drop that gamemode just like Gunmaster, Tank Superiority and Scavenger after 2 weeks or so...

I suspect bikes to handle like quads though. Knowing DICE lazy design.
So no wheelies, backflips etc :/

Yeah me too, I'm still getting nightmares about those terrible bikes from BF: Vietnam :D

2012-12-21, 21:01
The problem with the game modes on Battlefield is that you don't get to choose what gamemode you play on what map.
Close Quarters is forced as Conquest Domination, B2K & Aftermath are forced as Conquest Assault, ... there is no possibility to play these maps as 'normal Conquest'.

So ... I'm pretty convinced that End Game will force you to play CTF on the new maps, and there won't be a conquest variant made of the maps, just like with all other DLCs.

Same goes for the vehicles. They're only available on the maps that came with them.

Basicly, you get less and less and pay more and more every single release of a game.
I don't even dare to think what they are planning for BF4.

2012-12-22, 11:27
Yeah, because that's what this fail of a game is all about. Knowing DICE their true goal is to make your lives miserable by developing a terrible game with horrible expansions and forcing all of you guys to play it for hundreds and hundreds of hours through mind control. ツ*:wink:

2012-12-22, 11:35
Yeah, because that's what this fail of a game is all about. Knowing DICE their true goal is to make your lives miserable by developing a terrible game with horrible expansions and forcing all of you guys to play it for hundreds and hundreds of hours through mind control. ツ*:wink:

they are adepts of devil .... BURN THEM

2012-12-22, 12:32
Yeah, because that's what this fail of a game is all about. Knowing DICE their true goal is to make your lives miserable by developing a terrible game with horrible expansions and forcing all of you guys to play it for hundreds and hundreds of hours through mind control. ツ*:wink:

No, its just sheep-players that buy stuff because of the name (aka cod).This allows company's to sell shit half baked products. And get away with it. Now DICE already has all of our money with Premium. If they hadn't i doubt they whould pull stunts like leaving promised content out ( Unlocks in AK for Base game).

But the funny thing is. I still play this, because:
A: You guys play this. It's fun to play with you all.
B: Even though it's horrible game-design and costumer support. This game is still better than it's competitors. That frankly says more about the condition of the other games though. (read, MOH, COD)

And then there are games vastly superior to this one. But not my taste. Like Counter Strike.

2012-12-22, 13:36
Yeah, because that's what this fail of a game is all about. Knowing DICE their true goal is to make your lives miserable by developing a terrible game with horrible expansions and forcing all of you guys to play it for hundreds and hundreds of hours through mind control. ツ*:wink:

No, its just sheep-players that buy stuff because of the name (aka cod).This allows company's to sell shit half baked products. And get away with it. Now DICE already has all of our money with Premium. If they hadn't i doubt they whould pull stunts like leaving promised content out ( Unlocks in AK for Base game).

But the funny thing is. I still play this, because:
A: You guys play this. It's fun to play with you all.
B: Even though it's horrible game-design and costumer support. This game is still better than it's competitors. That frankly says more about the condition of the other games though. (read, MOH, COD)

And then there are games vastly superior to this one. But not my taste. Like Counter Strike.

2012-12-22, 14:17
The problem with the game modes on Battlefield is that you don't get to choose what gamemode you play on what map.
Close Quarters is forced as Conquest Domination, B2K & Aftermath are forced as Conquest Assault, ... there is no possibility to play these maps as 'normal Conquest'.

So ... I'm pretty convinced that End Game will force you to play CTF on the new maps, and there won't be a conquest variant made of the maps, just like with all other DLCs.

Same goes for the vehicles. They're only available on the maps that came with them.

Basicly, you get less and less and pay more and more every single release of a game.
I don't even dare to think what they are planning for BF4.

CTF will be an extra game mode, like gunmaster/scavenger/tank superiority. It will have conquest or conquest assault.

You get less and less every release? Not me. B2K was very good, I love close quarters (yep, my guilty pleasure, i really love it テつ*8O ), armored kill was not my thing (too large) but definitely not a bad DLC, and Aftermath is great! I think DICE/EA did a great job after all, and I trust the developers to make BF4 as awesome as BF3.

2012-12-22, 14:50
Yeah, because that's what this fail of a game is all about. Knowing DICE their true goal is to make your lives miserable by developing a terrible game with horrible expansions and forcing all of you guys to play it for hundreds and hundreds of hours through mind control. ツ*:wink:

No, its just sheep-players that buy stuff because of the name (aka cod).This allows company's to sell shit half baked products. And get away with it. Now DICE already has all of our money with Premium. If they hadn't i doubt they whould pull stunts like leaving promised content out ( Unlocks in AK for Base game).

But the funny thing is. I still play this, because:
A: You guys play this. It's fun to play with you all.
B: Even though it's horrible game-design and costumer support. This game is still better than it's competitors. That frankly says more about the condition of the other games though. (read, MOH, COD)

And then there are games vastly superior to this one. But not my taste. Like Counter Strike.

Players buy because of the name? Maybe players bought BF3 because of the great reviews? or because they loved the beta? or they saw the kick-ass trailers?

How can you call BF3 a shit half baked product? Are you serious, I mean REALLY serious?? Look at all the reviews on ALL the game sites, magazines and webshops. Metacritic, gamespot, amazon etc etc. Look at all the players who played for hundreds(!) of hours and still loving it.

And Counter strike is vastly superior?

You are trolling us, aren't you? You little devil you :wink:

2012-12-22, 15:33
I just find all this negativity about BF3 and DICE a waste of energy. A lot of OG's still really enjoy the game. Do you really think we're interested in reading post after post with complaints about every little detail in the game? Lighten up a bit man.

Also, if you don't like a game, don't play it. But seen as all of you played BF3 for around 300 hours it can't be THAT bad.

Personally, I don't mind having paid 100 euro for what in my taste is the best multiplayer FPS out there. I've gotten 280 hours of enjoyment out of it so far and there will be plenty more. A perfectly fair trade off.

2012-12-22, 15:44
Yeah, because that's what this fail of a game is all about. Knowing DICE their true goal is to make your lives miserable by developing a terrible game with horrible expansions and forcing all of you guys to play it for hundreds and hundreds of hours through mind control. ツ*:wink:

No, its just sheep-players that buy stuff because of the name (aka cod).This allows company's to sell shit half baked products. And get away with it. Now DICE already has all of our money with Premium. If they hadn't i doubt they whould pull stunts like leaving promised content out ( Unlocks in AK for Base game).

But the funny thing is. I still play this, because:
A: You guys play this. It's fun to play with you all.
B: Even though it's horrible game-design and costumer support. This game is still better than it's competitors. That frankly says more about the condition of the other games though. (read, MOH, COD)

And then there are games vastly superior to this one. But not my taste. Like Counter Strike.

Players buy because of the name? Maybe players bought BF3 because of the great reviews? or because they loved the beta? or they saw the kick-ass trailers?

How can you call BF3 a shit half baked product? Are you serious, I mean REALLY serious?? Look at all the reviews on ALL the game sites, magazines and webshops. Metacritic, gamespot, amazon etc etc. Look at all the players who played for hundreds(!) of hours and still loving it.

And Counter strike is vastly superior?

You are trolling us, aren't you? You little devil you :wink:

Haha, no i am not.

Battlefield 3, majority bought it because bfbc2 was cool or because they came from bf2.
Lies dice told us : We will never charge for Map-Packs, There will be Battlerecorder, Mod tools!.
None of those are true. This already makes them a piece of shit.
Kick ass trailer? I would never buy something because it "LOOKZ SO AWESUME"
And yes, people buy new Call of Duty every year. Because it's the new call of duty. Sheep consumers (ye consumers , not costumers)

All big review sites are biased. Any sane person should use there opinion as a guideline. I always ignore what they think about the gameplay ,All that matters is what they TELL about the gameplay ,what you can do etc etc.
Besides, I never said Bf3 got bad reviews.
the 70% of Sheep consumer playerbase obviously LOVES this game, the people who dont drop bloody ammo and are completely oblivious of their surroundings, ye casuals they sure LOVE ツ*this game. But for a proper analysis of weither a game is good or not , their opinion is invalid :)
. Also , Console audience, we PC gamers have alot more demands.
As a PC title that was suppose to be the leading platform, this game utterly failed. No way to denie that.
And yes, if Counterstrike 1.6 , which is 6 years old, still has players.
1.6, Source and Global Offensive combied have average of 100k. ツ*While BF3 averages out on 37k PC.
Also look at the Counterstrike E-Sports community, or the fact that it doesnt have a level-up ranking unlock system, and that it doesnt need that to keep people intrested.

So yes, it is very safe to say Counterstrike is a FAR superior PC shooter. That you don't like it is another thing. I dont like it myself either, but it still is a far superior game.
This game was suppose to be the next Battlefield 2. What it turned out to be is BFBC3 with no Voice chat, No commander, 4 man squads , infantry maps.

This game is NO WHERE NEAR what BF2 was. And that is why it failed.
If they labeled it BFBC3, it would be fine.

Regardless, its still better than Call of Duty , MoH or other shooters on the market. So yea thats why I myself still play it.

It's a skill based game with no bullshit cheap lock-on and Suppression.
I love the teamplay aspect of Bf3, except that it doesnt exist :) They give you ammo/health packs, revives etc for teamplay, But they give us no means of communication.

O and also
How can you even say Counterstrike isnt superior to bf3. It is in every aspect. It's a skill based game with no bullshit cheap lock-on and Suppression.

Are you trolling me kind Sir?!

2012-12-22, 15:58
Don't know. Bought BF3+Premium .... 700+ hours of play. I like it. It was worth it.

What was so wrong in game that you guys didn't like it? Battle recorder? Mod tools? You would really make mod?

2012-12-22, 16:34
Don't know. Bought BF3+Premium .... 700+ hours of play. I like it. It was worth it.

What was so wrong in game that you guys didn't like it? Battle recorder? Mod tools? You would really make mod?

You guys don't get my point.
The game is fun to play with others etc.
But structurally , its a shit game.
Dev's that never lisen to the community, Dev's that lie about stuff before launch.
And the fact that the Alpha was better than the game is now.

I spend the same, 300+ hour's of play. Do i regret it? At times, overall i think it's worth it. But that still doesnt change the facts i've just listed.
BF3 was NOT wat they said it would be.
They promised us mod-tools, Spectator/Battlerecorder.
And to then say they won't , just shows to me they dont give a single fuck.

The simple blue tint so many people hate. They wont even remove that. Or they won't even give us an option to remove it.
They said the engine is to complicated for people to mod. There are mods out there now. Made with the mod tools people MADE themselves. Dice is full of shit. EA doesn't care about their costumers.

So in that perspective , bf3 is a total failure. And in the same perspective. Counterstrike is infinitely better.
I think we just are tired of DICE their bullshit. And being for our money.

So to me ,a company that doesnt give a fuck about me, just about my money. Won't get my money.
Ofcourse vice-versa applies.

EA certainly won't get my BF4 pre-order. Not even if they offer half the DLC for free..
I will see if i get BF4 at all. If they go on along this line. I won't

2012-12-22, 16:47
Oh mate. I just got you. Unfortunately only way to fix that is to buy EA and fire those guys which promised.

2012-12-22, 17:36
I was just explaining how I looked upon the game these days and explain why I haven't been playing it all that much anymore.
I thought some of you might want to know, if you don't then I'm sorry for wasting your time.

And I have 100+ hours on PS3, 300+ hours on PC for this game ツ*:lol:
Never realised I had so much. This game isn't ALL bad, but it's a lot less then what I expected it to be. And it's major selling point is that there is no alternative.

But then again, 400+ hours isn't all that much if you look at my history. 2000+ hours on Lineage2, 1000+ h on COD4, 2500+ h on Soldier of Fortune 2, ...
As I was saying, this game offers a lot less options, then what we got from PC games before! That is a FACT, not an opinion.

And I'll probably turn back to it in a couple of weeks. I just need a break from it, which is normal for me.
Although I must say the intervals in between my breaks are getting shorter.

2012-12-22, 17:47

My glass is always half full, I like to see the positive side of things.
That being said...I love BF3; I played for over 500 hours and counting and enjoyed every minute of it.
I also enjoyed BF1942, BFvietnam, BF2142, BFBC2, all the add-ons....I played them all. Not because I am a sheep, but because I had fun playing them. All of them.

I paid about 100 euro for this game (game+premium) and it was worth every little cent! DICE makes games that I like, so I'm happy to give them my money. Fair deal.

I bought MOH warfighter, didn't like it, so I don't play it. 50 euros wasted, but so be it. I don't bitch about it, or complain about the developers.

If you don't like the decisions that developers make, or you don't like some things about a game...fuck it, don't play it.

See the positive sides of things mate, play the games you like and don't waste your time and energy on games you dislike テつ*:wink:

Speaking of fun games: I'm gonna play Far cry 3 now, and don't you dare to say negative things about that awesome game Burning! テつ*:twisted:

2012-12-22, 18:17
I was just explaining how I looked upon the game these days and explain why I haven't been playing it all that much anymore.
I thought some of you might want to know, if you don't then I'm sorry for wasting your time.

And I have 100+ hours on PS3, 300+ hours on PC for this game ツ*:lol:
Never realised I had so much. This game isn't ALL bad, but it's a lot less then what I expected it to be. And it's major selling point is that there is no alternative.

But then again, 400+ hours isn't all that much if you look at my history. 2000+ hours on Lineage2, 1000+ h on COD4, 2500+ h on Soldier of Fortune 2, ...
As I was saying, this game offers a lot less options, then what we got from PC games before! That is a FACT, not an opinion.

And I'll probably turn back to it in a couple of weeks. I just need a break from it, which is normal for me.
Although I must say the intervals in between my breaks are getting shorter.

You're right about that; there is no real alternative. I tried Planetside2, COD, MOH, but it's not the same. And unfortunately i did'nt like those games that much.

It's good to take a break from a game now and then, keeps it more "fresh" when you return to it. I do the same, but not for weeks, i need my BF3 fix テつ*8O

2012-12-22, 18:55

2012-12-23, 06:20
Well this escalated quickly :D
So the general consensus is that Battlefield 3 is not a good game but it's the best one out there. Kinda like Democracy :lol:

I still think that CTF will fail miserably because if you ever hated people planting C4 on flags in Conquest Domination then you will hate CTF believe me ツ*:roll:

2012-12-23, 11:28
Bf3 haven't provide the gameplay I thought it would, it can't keep me busy for hours. Which I have with P4F for instance, weird but true. But neither the less I play bf3 cause I play with you guy's! :D

2012-12-23, 14:13

My glass is always half full, I like to see the positive side of things.
That being said...I love BF3; I played for over 500 hours and counting and enjoyed every minute of it.
I also enjoyed BF1942, BFvietnam, BF2142, BFBC2, all the add-ons....I played them all. Not because I am a sheep, but because I had fun playing them. All of them.

I paid about 100 euro for this game (game+premium) and it was worth every little cent! DICE makes games that I like, so I'm happy to give them my money. Fair deal.

I bought MOH warfighter, didn't like it, so I don't play it. 50 euros wasted, but so be it. I don't bitch about it, or complain about the developers.

If you don't like the decisions that developers make, or you don't like some things about a game...fuck it, don't play it.

See the positive sides of things mate, play the games you like and don't waste your time and energy on games you dislike ツ*:wink:

Speaking of fun games: I'm gonna play Far cry 3 now, and don't you dare to say negative things about that awesome game Burning! ツ*:twisted:

Yea. But sometimes dev's go to far. If I look at what bf3 COULD ツ*have been. How much better it could have been. O well
The half full glass thing makes sense. But techinically your glass is always full. 50% Water, 50% air ツ*:twisted:

Like I said above, it's not that i dislike the game. I'm just dissapointed the dev's constantly ruin it. More and more.
Ow and BFBC2, BF2142 (<3) , BF2 etc where all amazing games. Structurally alot better than this one.

Ow and no ,I won't bash Farcry 3. Ubisoft did an amazing job on that. It's good on every aspect. Each thing they added ( co-op ,mp etc) also works like it should and isnt flawed.
They didn't skip on 1 aspect to make another one better. They made all equally good.
Game looks great. doesnt have many bugs if at all.
Farcry 3 is the perfect example of how I want to see my games. Finished when they are released, with no bullshit.

Well this escalated quickly :D
So the general consensus is that Battlefield 3 is not a good game but it's the best one out there. Kinda like Democracy :lol:

Pretty much yea :P