View Full Version : Windows 8 and BF3?

2013-01-07, 13:17
Hi guys,

Are there any known issues with Win8 and BF3?

My Windows installation got totally screwed (malware or something) and I need to rebuild it. So now that I have to reinstall anyway, I'd like to get a Windows 8 licence.

Does anybody have it installed with Battlefield 3 working? Any problems or issues or details I should get ready for?

Thanks guys

2013-01-07, 16:26

Ask Caveman, he will tell you テつ*:D

2013-01-07, 17:05
Hey Zladuric, windows 8 and bf3 is no problem. Make sure you install windows and your drivers in the right order couse that is very important.

1: Wipe your disk

2: Install windows

3: install chipset driver first and restart. ツ* Check if you need ati or intel inf driver for chipset.

4: Install Sata driver and restart

5: install all esle you need to install drivers programs and so on.

If you need latest driver for you mobo please tell me waht kand of motherbord and processor you have so i can give you the right links.
And if you are going to reinstall you might wanna consider putting a ssd drive in your pc!!

Windows 8 and ssd is THEBOOM from push button straight into windows in 23 seconds

2013-01-07, 17:51
He have ssd but it is in use with Linux :p

2013-01-08, 16:57
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2013-01-09, 20:45
I have not had any issue running bf3 on win8. Works pretty well. however I keep having usb 3.0 with win 8 still not sure if its my motherboard itself or win 8. still trying to solve it. worked fine with 7 but ya never know when the hardware will go out lol.

2013-01-09, 21:57
sTILL lookin for good ssd !! O.o IAM SO FARRR BEHIND.. pLZ use my donate button!!

2013-01-10, 13:24
I have installed Win 8, but in the process I got my 1TB disk broken! Not erased, broken. It works for a few minutes at a time, I can create partitions and all, but after a reboot or two, or even on a live system, the partitions get broken or missing completely. So now I'm a bit delayed, will be out of the game for a while :(

2013-01-10, 16:47
Well first of all did you have other disk connected when you did the windows 8 install?

This might cause major issues. So only connect the drive you want windows 8 to be installed on connected to your motherboard.

Secondly why in gods name ubuntu on your ssd? It doens't take that much advantage of your ssd compared to windows 8.

So my advice would be install windows 8 on your ssd and your Linux on a small partition of your normal drive.

Are you using a original windows 8? If so i have a better option for you!!

Use my friends windows 8.

Please give me a yell or ask gisse to contact me if you need anything!!!


Check this guide for windows 8 installation!!!


2013-01-10, 18:33
I have not had any issue running bf3 on win8. Works pretty well. however I keep having usb 3.0 with win 8 still not sure if its my motherboard itself or win 8. still trying to solve it. worked fine with 7 but ya never know when the hardware will go out lol.

This is a driver issue i gues, what motherboard do you have?

2013-01-14, 10:38
Well, I use SSD on linux because I use it for development. Everything works like a flash - the java/tomcat app, git, eclipse, it just flies. Besides, it's pretty small, only 60GB.

So Win 8 SSD will have to wait. Anyway, with all the repairing and reinstallation I had to do, I haven't had time to do any gaming. I just downloaded Origin yesterday and started the download, hopefully it will be done when I get home. (Though I have some work left over to do fixing).

2013-01-21, 04:33
I have not had any issue running bf3 on win8. Works pretty well. however I keep having usb 3.0 with win 8 still not sure if its my motherboard itself or win 8. still trying to solve it. worked fine with 7 but ya never know when the hardware will go out lol.

This is a driver issue i gues, what motherboard do you have?

Its a motherboard issue. I have an Mpower msi board. After research, a lot of folks that have this board have the same issue. something to do with the firmware for renesas. ....gonna replace my board. sick of it.

2013-04-25, 12:30
Windows 8 and ssd is THEBOOM from push button straight into windows in 23 seconds

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