View Full Version : Tbanned ColHagans for language

2013-02-25, 06:29
1) ColHagans
2) Server 7
3) Language
4) http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/#!/bf3/user/ColHagans/
5) Insulting players.
6) 30 days

ColHagans > faggot
[06] AUTOBALANCING [Player: SHK_Fish]
[06] ColHagans > faggot
[06] KUCF - Attackers - Charlie > can u have explosives specilization please
[06] ColHagans > bull fucking shit bitch
[06] (PlayerYell Yolbsorry) Type !rules in chat to read our rules!
[06] Xyeb0 - Defenders > in the base
[06] Xyeb0 - Defenders > support with suppressor
[06] ColHagans > fucking nigger
[06] ThorokTheBro > aaW...somone's mad cause he sucks.
[06] Blade_Repper > enough...
[06] ColHagans > suck my dick bitch
[06] Calvino_57 - Attackers > cover it?
[06] VJeNdo360 > noo
[06] xDylanC > lmao
[06] Calvino_57 - Attackers > thanks meal
[06] ColHagans > fucking pussy face ho
[06] (PlayerYell raganhan) Type !rules in chat to read our rules!
[06] (PlayerYell ILikeWheaties) Type !rules in chat to read our rules!
[06] (PlayerYell raganhan) type !votekick [playername] to get rid of high-ping-players
[06] xDylanC > lol
[06] (PlayerYell mealdom) type !votekick [playername] to get rid of high-ping-players
[06] (PlayerYell ILikeWheaties) type !votekick [playername] to get rid of high-ping-players
[06] Blade_Repper > !tban 60 ColHagans Language Disrespect
[06] xDylanC > ?
[06] ThorokTheBro > famit
[06] (PlayerYell daver20007) Type !rules in chat to read our rules!
[06] (PlayerYell Yolbsorry) type !votekick [playername] to get rid of high-ping-players
[06] (PlayerYell uberfubar) Type !rules in chat to read our rules!
[06] (PlayerYell brukks) Type !rules in chat to read our rules!
[06] xDylanC > lmao
[06] xDylanC > BOOM
[06] Calvino_57 - Attackers > I think this may get bumpy
[06] Blade_Repper > Language like that is not allowed[/php:1:01ac953db4]

2013-02-25, 09:00
This is permanent.

"ColHagans > fucking nigger"