View Full Version : My wish : training on Oman OG3 :)

2013-03-08, 10:58
Well, we all know its kinda huge map for training but if there is any possibility to try it would be nice :).

My opinion for training rules:

No shotgun, no saiga 12 no spas 15, scattergun allowed

NO RPG vs infantry

No jet, not even used for taxi to get to the flags

No combat chopper RESTRICTED lol

Recons per side : 4 per side

UH 60 heli allowed only for transport ( no kamikaze, no killing enemies ). With Uh 60 let RPG decide to wich flag should players land and continue infantry.

Training time : more then 1 hour :P

And the last one: of course would be nice to be up to 28 players cos its huge map :)

Thank you !!!

2013-03-08, 12:24
Hey Besnik,

In my opinion OG should indeed also be able to put a war on bigger maps, but my preference would be to include at some stage the full use of the maps possibilities, which means: vehicles included, so I support your idea in essence.
I wonder however if this is really a realistic option at the moment, because of the very high numbers of OG players needed for this.

First step that would need to be taken though is making a map with location names. I understood that such a map does not exist yet, so I hope that someone can provide a clean map which we could use to start brainstorming on that.
Even if it does not come to trainings or wars at Oman, that map would still be usefull for communication of those who like playing that map.

So: can anyone provide a usefull clean map of Oman?

If not, Besnik, we could jump into an empty Oman server and you can fly me to high altitude and I'll parachute down and take screenshots maybe?

2013-03-08, 15:32
LOL, why not Legacy ;).

Well lets just wait and see what RPG is going to say about this wish of mine :P. And about players i think we can make it to be all of like 28 players ;)

2013-03-08, 17:27
Here is the map:


For the rest, not too much rules for me. More a training is difficult, easier is the real fight after.

I'm sorry but i'm an offensive player. For me the only rules is winning. I use C4 on vehicles, I'll do the kamikaze just to kill an armor if it can help my team to take the flag, i'll spam with smoke nades just to try to win a few seconds, i'll camp like hell to keep my position if it can help my team, i'll rape base, the dogs, vehicles, just to take a flag or to arm an MCOM or to distract enemies from the objective. I'm not fair, but I play to help my team to win, not to be gentle with enemies ÂÂ*:)

The only thing i don't like, it's when it's not helping team like taxi heli for example.

2013-03-08, 17:46
Thanks for the effort man!

I do see a small problem in getting the location names in this pic.
I think I can fit in "Runway" and "Train depot" in the correct places if I use a 5 dot font, but the roads will end up being completely obscured probably. :lol:
Nevertheless I will give it a try to blow this pic up to get some more size!

As far as your playstyle is concerned:
kamikaze, smoke spamming and dog loving could be considered "tactics" if everybody else sees it that way too! Â*:lol:
At least that's what I learned once in a phylosophy lesson back in the day, when the teacher talked for an hour that his lecture table could also have been a golfball, as long as everybody had that same view on it Â*8O

EDIT: Did not realize that the aircraft carrier is about as long as the complete runway!

2013-03-08, 18:15


2013-03-09, 11:40

About kamikaze i was talking about not making kamikaze with transport heli just to capture flag as soon as it possible, and about putting C4 on vehicles of course you can do it that's not a problem.

The only problem witch is very hard to solved would be:

What should we do if ( example ) : RU players has captured all flags and all waiting for US players at "A" flag?!?!?!

Very hard for US team to get to the ground cos we all know as well RU team is ready with Tank and APC not even to allowed them to land on the ground lol..

2013-03-09, 12:19
The only problem witch is very hard to solved would be:

What should we do if ( example ) : RU players has captured all flags and all waiting for US players at "A" flag?!?!?!

Very hard for US team to get to the ground cos we all know as well RU team is ready with Tank and APC not even to allowed them to land on the ground lol..

Not really a problem, it's more strategy. It'll be useless to rush to A with 10 peoples waiting there with Heavy and light armor, Gaz and others.

Just take boats, flank by left, enter the bay and there you're 100m from B and D flags, you've just has to choose. Most of the time there is nobody to defend.


If you're a medic, use your flare and if you're an assault, use request reinforcement.

Not so easy i agree but with a good squad you can take enemies after from behind.

2013-03-09, 13:06
Yep, good idea would be the way you just said :)

I hope the day will Â*come to try at least one training OMAN OLD GUYS ONLY ÂÂ*Â*:)

2013-03-12, 16:57
Yeah this would be fun an nice strategy too, but a plan from the RU base would be cool too. Simple though, just try an take all bases or at least D, C, B then split up on the beach. Ten at A, and ÂÂ*8 to hold off B an D, but im sure this already has been thought of.

Just had to post something, i luv this map not to big and not to small at least for my noob experience...

Just an idea 8)

2013-03-12, 17:23
Yeah this would be fun an nice strategy too, but a plan from the RU base would be cool too. Simple though, just try an take all bases or at least D, C, B then split up on the beach. Ten at A, and Â*8 to hold off B an D, but im sure this already has been thought of.

Just had to post something, i luv this map not to big and not to small at least for my noob experience...

Just an idea 8)

Counter attack still the same except that you're here on vehicles not on boat. Take a vehicles, ride on the airfield and stay on the road, you'll arrived behind C at train station, there you're flanking enemies to take D.

Again, if you're a medic, use your flare and if you're an assault, use request reinforcement.


2013-03-12, 17:30
28 players training at once is near on impossible. ÂÂ*Its hard enough with 8 of us on a small map like Sharqi.

I've been raped by helis too much on Oman. they are way overpowered. The rockets splash damage is ridiculous and it takes alot of damage to take one down. Sorry to go off topic.

2013-03-12, 18:44
My friend Abbott, please read the rules i have posted :). I said no jet no heli combat, so that means all the time war will be infantry ;). I am saying only infantry cos OMAN is the best man and a lot of players would love to play there but they dont only cos of choppers and jet cos they hate them. So training without air strike would be great... Thats my opinion !!!

2013-03-12, 19:03
I've been raped by helis too much on Oman. they are way overpowered. The rockets splash damage is ridiculous and it takes alot of damage to take one down. Sorry to go off topic.


"Bug" not yet fixed ... :(

2013-03-12, 20:08

2013-03-28, 12:29
A lot off good ideas! I support these proposals!