View Full Version : Battlefield 4 unveiled 26 March

2013-03-15, 21:12

It’s officially official! EA has announced that it will unveil DICE’s Battlefield 4 on March 26 at San Francisco!



The teaser for BF3 got released on 11 February 2011, and the game got released at the end of October 2011.

If they follow the same timeline, the game will be released somewhere at the end of this year (before Christmas).

Hopefully.... Gamescom! :)

2013-03-15, 22:27
I guess there wont be a metro...

2013-03-15, 22:43
If it doesn't have battle recorder or spectator mode then I'm not going to buy it.

2013-03-15, 22:51
I'm definatly not pre-ordering any EA games anymore, even if the pre-order bonus is a real freakin' Tank.
I'm not letting myself get fooled this time around!

iNco, I fear they won't include any of those two, PS4 will have a build-in recorder and since BF3 had this exclusive thingy on PS3, I'm guessing main development platform will be PS4. Let's hope I'm wrong!

2013-03-16, 04:36

100% No purchase if 100% screenshot features are not working in PB (hello X an Y axis.. plus full window SS's), battle recorder or spectator modes, and no client side hit detection.

2013-03-16, 06:45

2013-03-16, 08:18
This information already announced 1 month ago,

Complete picture:


Official Dice BF4 boxart:


2013-03-16, 09:18
and no client side hit detection.

This exactly^^

The server side hit detection with hits after seconds of rounding a corner has put me off BF3 pretty quickly after buying it.
Gave it the benefit of the doubt 3 more times with a reinstall hoping they fixed the awfull netcode, but pretty much gave up on this game.

I will follow the different forums on this aspect before even thinking to buy BF4.

2013-03-16, 12:11
Shit I haven't even seen all of the BF3 maps yet. And that's not counting Endgame!

2013-03-16, 12:52
Exactly what iNco and Shadow said

I will NOT buy this crap if it doesn't have proper hit detection , battlerecorder etc. If it's another bf3, well suck it EA.

Also I will wait well over a month for reviews of good critic's (like TotalBiscuit) to see what they think of it and how the game actually is. I will not fall for EA's marketing tricks agian. And I suspect ALOT of other gamers won't either.

2013-03-16, 15:41
I agree with Inco as well, and Burning, I'm tired of EA favoring consoles over PC, it they can't make a proper PC game then I'm not going to get the next one.

2013-03-19, 11:02

2013-03-19, 13:19
OMG did I just start watching a video of a guy explaining what is in a picture.....sigh Â*:roll:
It's like watching a video of someone trying to guess what my own Christmas present is by shaking the box.

So it's going to have guns, vehicles and weather! Â* A Battlefield game with Guns and vehicles omg I'm so hyped! ÂÂ*:roll:

2013-03-19, 17:48
Weather system, is that how they call a map where it rains the whole time and a map where it doesn't?

2013-03-19, 18:40
Don't know Shadow, will see when they get it out. They didn't say nothing about weather system.

2013-03-19, 19:37
I said weather, rain being weather :D

2013-03-19, 19:55
Well that is how rumors started about weather system :D

And then there will be complains that BF team promised changing weather on maps :p

2013-03-20, 12:59
A very interesting read showed up on WCCFtech today, regarding many rumored details of DICE's upcoming Battlefield 4. The information was leaked on the Chiphell Forums, a Chinese technology site. According to the person who leaked this information these details would be scheduled to be revealed in the April issue of Edge magazine, while Battlefield 4 itself would be officially unveiled on the 26th/27th of March at the GDC 2013.

According to the leaker the Frostbite 2.5 engine would be a full improvement of its predecessor, the Frostbite 2 engine. Frostbite 2.5 is rumored to only feature compatibility for DirectX 11 on the PC, and that the PC is the lead platform. Frostbite 2.5 is said to crank up the visuals and will feature tessellation technology and a dynamic weather system with dynamic weather effects that range from rain and sandstorms to haze and fog, which all depend on different factors and flexibly adjust to the variable conditions. It is said that Battlefield 4 will utilize the new tessellation technology implemented in the engine which would affect all of the environment including the water, terrain, NPC's and characters in the game. The widely appreciated and upgraded Destruction 4.0 will make a re entrance to the Battlefield, which will enable destruction on the scale that we saw in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. The PC version of Battlefield 4 is expected to benefit more from their raw power and would offer the ability to render dynamic destruction effects much more realistically.

On the PS4 and the Xbox 720 the game is expected to run at a steady 60 FPS on a 720P resolution. This might come as a disappointment to some, since it was rumored before that it would support 60 FPS at a 1080p resolution on both next-gen consoles. Although both the next-gen consoles and the PC will support 64 players on a server whereas the consoles are still stuck at a 24 player count.

The game will be set around the year 2020 and will keep loyal to the modern day setting. This time China and the USA will be the main opposing forces, with the maps based in the continent of Asia. Battlefield 4 is expected to bring back Bad Company effects at the end of the maps. For example, there is a map based in Shanghai and near the end of the round the Oriental Pearl Tower will collapse, just as the radio tower does in Caspian Border at the end of a match. The single player experience will be roughly 5 to 6 hours long, and will feature two campaigns from the PLA perspective. There is not much more information about the singleplayer section of the game, but there are a lot of multiplayer details leaked. A few names of maps were dropped too, which are:


Diaoyu Island

Shanghai Bund


These are only a few of the base maps that will be featured in Battlefield 4. Battlefield 4 will feature aircrafts such as the renowned Chinese Xian Y-20, the Chengdu J-20 and the Xianglong(UAV). Two of the supposedly confirmed MBT's include the Type 99 for the PLA and the M1A2 TUSK for the U.S. Forces, both having their own customization options. It is rumored that the Air Combat Zone is drastically increased, giving more space to dog fights and aerial chases. The skill system has also received an overhaul. The Commander position is rumored to return to the battlefield, with the abilities to provide fire, recharges and UAV detection to aid his team with. According to the leak micro-transactions are available for the game, but it is claimed that these micro-transactions will not disturb the balance of the game and are just optional. After a while the game will get a DLC with the following classic Battlefield 2 maps: Dalian Plant
Daqing Oilfields
Great Wall of China
Wake Island

Keep in mind that this information is from a leaked source and is yet to be confirmed.

2013-03-20, 18:16
That's pretty interesting.

2013-03-20, 18:30
BF4 official page is online!


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