View Full Version : BFH War Room concept also for BFP4F?

2013-04-09, 11:18
This looks promising for the game and could also give a lot of opportunities related to wars/scrims between clans.
Look like the PS2 concept to me.

Does anybody know if this concept will also be ported to BFP4F????

I really hope so. Would give a lot more depth to this game!


2013-04-09, 11:49
Could you explain what exact it is? Cause I don't really get what the fuck that is. :P

2013-04-09, 14:43
As far as I understand (and hope) the Meta Game in BFH will mean you have an actual war between the 2 sides where you need to win rounds of normal BFH to win the territory.

You will have to win territories on your way to the enemy capital.

Maybe you can compare it to the Rush concept of phases in 1 round, but then at different rounds to win a war.

That means that the game is no longer only about single rounds of fighting.

The following trailer does not give you much, but maybe you get the idea:


2013-04-11, 22:48
It would be cool, but also not.
If you have a war room that will mean you have to pick a side (id pick US cause i like their spawnpoint more on most maps) and always play your matches from that side, wich might get boring.
Unless ofc if you would just let US spawn on the RU side and vice versa.