View Full Version : Ban Appeal for 3bit-Flaxe

2013-05-02, 11:15
Hi. I would like to appeal my ban (for 24-hours it say when I look at Metabans) that I received for an unknown reason... The reason I got was "Attacking Enemy Base". The thing I did was killing enemies on the ramp next to A flag. This is not the enemy base and should not count as a baserape.
The objective of Conquest mode is to take the flags, defend them and kill the enemies coming to the flags and this is just what I did.
If you dont want me to kill enemies and let the enemies take the flag, then say so instead of banning me for breaking a rule that don't exist.

Also, why are you forwarding bans with this reason to Metabans? The reason "Attacking Enemy Base" aka. Baserape, is not a rule that applies to all servers and therefore a ban with this reason should not be forwarded to Metabans which make me banned on all servers following your account even if the server don't have a rule against baserape.
The person responsible for the Metabans account and have access to the Metabans Streaming Admin forum, please read this thread (https://metabans.net/showthread.php?18-Server-Admins-amp-Bans) written by i3lack to understand what I mean.

1) Player Name
3bit-Flaxe (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/user/3bit-Flaxe/)

2) On which server incident occurred.
Old Guys Gaming #4 24/7 Metro 1000 tickets (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/553576a0-32d5-4ddd-b677-d7adf8c820f4/)

3) The reason why banned.
Attacking Enemy Base

4) ** A link to their soldier profile from one of the following BF3stats.com/OG BF3stats/Battlelog **
Battlelog (http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/user/3bit-Flaxe/)
BF3stats (http://bf3stats.com/stats_pc/3bit-Flaxe/)

5) Other important information, like for example what kind of cheats in case of cheating, chatlog in case of insulting etc.
Nothing to say here.

6) Your recommended ban length.
Zero seconds.

Best regards,

2013-05-02, 11:39
Hello Flaxe,

I was not the admin who banned you so I cannot help you there. I can link you to this topic that explains what we consider Baserape on Metro:

This is the guideline all of our admins use.

And I totally agree with you, this should never be on metabans.


2013-05-02, 12:19
Thanks for the reply, Burning.

I appreciate the link and your help regarding this. The thread you linked explains good where the baserape zones are and unfortunately I didn't see this thread before, so I just thought the baserape zone was where they "normally" are, in the built-in red zones.

I pointed out on the picture where I stood (in yellow) and where I killed enemies (in green) so ye, it's clear that I killed someone in the baserape zone. See picture here: http://i.imgur.com/vouh12b.png

I'm sorry about that and will make sure it don't happen again.

Best regards,

2013-05-02, 12:29
Thanks for the reply, Burning.

I appreciate the link and your help regarding this. The thread you linked explains good where the baserape zones are and unfortunately I didn't see this thread before, so I just thought the baserape zone was where they "normally" are, in the built-in red zones.

I pointed out on the picture where I stood (in yellow) and where I killed enemies (in green) so ye, it's clear that I killed someone in the baserape zone. See picture here: http://i.imgur.com/vouh12b.png

I'm sorry about that and will make sure it don't happen again.

Best regards,

Yes that would be baserape. Our rules are different than "normal" because this allows the Russians to actually go out of their base :). People make mistakes. It's more the consistent rapers we kick or bann. Try tro avoid breaking that rule though. If you hide they eventually will come to you :)
Why you got banned and not kicked I do not know, I didn't issue the bann so the admin that did should explain that.

Maybe it's just a case of you being #531 who rapes and as you can imagine, we get quite tired of warning people etc. So often we just kick a bunch of people.

Either way, I myself, and i probably speak for more people in this community if i say that we really appreciate you coming to us in this way. Even making an Apology , we don't see that very often. This once proves again that being polite and respectful gets you alot more than making some rage post.
Bann should be lifted soon, since it was only 24 hours. If you have any further problem, feel free to come here or on our teamspeak (info on front page) again.

I do wanna press that we can NEVER EVER bann people on metabans for breaking our specific rules on 1 specific server. We can ruin peoples entire game for something minor this way.
If Admin who issued the bann wants to add something here, please feel free :)

See you on the Battlefield

2013-05-02, 14:13
Well Flaxe i kicked you twice for baseraping and the third time i banned you. You where whining in the chat about it. Instead of checking our rules. If you get kicked something must happend in your mind. You have to ask yourself if you are doing something wrong insteed of accusing admins to be the worst kind there is.

Next time you join in. Just think about what i told you and you will be a happy gamer again :-)


2013-05-02, 14:36
Well Flaxe i kicked you twice for baseraping and the third time i banned you. You where whining in the chat about it. Instead of checking our rules. If you get kicked something must happend in your mind. You have to ask yourself if you are doing something wrong insteed of accusing admins to be the worst kind there is.

Next time you join in. Just think about what i told you and you will be a happy gamer again :-)

Yes, you kicked me twice for the exact same reason, Attacking Enemy Base . I read the rules (writing !rules in chat, watch your chatlogs if you don't believe me) and well, didn't really say me much since I wasn't baseraping (if I should refer to the "normal" redzone). And the reason you write when kicking me, Attacking Enemy Base, don't say so much to me since I did not kill anyone in the enemy base so I just thought I killed an admin who woke up on the wrong side.

I can't remember exactly what I wrote in the chat (again, watch your chatlogs), but I would not call it whining. I asked why I get kicked for killing the enemies pushing up to A flag from the ramp since this normally is not their base. Instead of banning me, you could've explained for me?
And I did NOT accuse any admins. I've been the headadmin myself for 4 BF3 Public servers and 3 BC2 Public servers and I know your situation in-and-out.

I'm a happy gamer, but I get a bit annoyed when I get kicked twice for a reason I don't understand and when I "kinda" ask for an explanation you decide to ban me. The best thing you could've done is to refer to your forums and read the specific rules you have.

Best regards,

2013-05-02, 18:29
At an educational perspective, while both playing and administers Metro can sometimes be difficult. All information is available in the chat every 30 seconds. There are many like you who feel offended when they feel that they are punished for something they do not understand. You are a 3bit and you should know that we have had several of your clan that has messed up on our Metro server. It should be recognized that we do not tolerate baserapeing. You have a link to our site on Battlelog every time you log into our servers.

You are welcome to play on our servers, but then you have to follow Our rules not your own. There is a reason why we got them and we got players that will have a fair game from time to time.


2013-05-02, 19:21
At an educational perspective, while both playing and administers Metro can sometimes be difficult. All information is available in the chat every 30 seconds. There are many like you who feel offended when they feel that they are punished for something they do not understand. You are a 3bit and you should know that we have had several of your clan that has messed up on our Metro server. It should be recognized that we do not tolerate baserapeing. You have a link to our site on Battlelog every time you log into our servers.

You are welcome to play on our servers, but then you have to follow Our rules not your own. There is a reason why we got them and we got players that will have a fair game from time to time.

I know it's difficult to both play and administrate a Metro only server because of all the stuff going on in such a small map.
Just because I'm playing for 3bit it doesn't mean I know several of my clanmates has messed up on your Metro server, because I had no idea about that. We are not playing public together and neither are we usually on TeamSpeak together during times we don't have a match.

About the link on Battlelog I'm well aware of this. Though, it only say "Visit us at http://www.oldguys.eu" and it don't say anything about reading your "special" rules, so of course I think it's the rules most servers use, with the default red-zone as spawn etc...

Well, I guess there's not much more to discuss since it seem like we have different opinions ^^

2013-05-02, 20:51
No hard feelings from my point of view Flaxe. See you on server #4 :-)