2013-07-26, 08:46
Minecraft 1.5.2
First of all update all the mods to it's latest build.
Buildcraft 3.7.2: Â*
Delete any old versions of the Buildcraft zip/Jar files in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
And put the new zip/jar Â*in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
Please make sure you delete the Traincraft.cfg BEFORE UPDATING!!!!!!!!!!!
Delete any old versions of the Traincraft zip/Jar files in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
And put the new zip/jar Â*in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
Delete any old versions of the Railcraft zip/Jar files in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
And put the new zip/jar Â*in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
Make sure you DELETE the old jar files and THE TRAINCRAFT.CFG Â*This is very importend otherwise it just ad stuff to the old CFG and cause all kind of problems
Minecraft 1.6.2
In preperation of 1.6.2
These are the 1.6.2 mods so don't use the below posted ones on 1.5.2!!!
Buildcraft: Â*Buildcraft 4.0.2 (
Railcraft: Â*Railcraft (
Traincraft: Â*Traincraft 4.1.0_006 (
Forge is needed to run these mods and can be found here:
Make sure to pick the latest one and use the installer!!!!! Cause Forge won't work with magic launcher anymore and need to be installed!!!!!!!
Also MAKE SURE to run the official launcher after you installed Forge before you start using magic launcher!!!
Instuction video HOWTO install forge on 1.6.2, use magic launcher, optifine and rei's minimap!!!
Make sure to put the mods buildcraft/railcraft/traincraft in the mincraft\mods folder.
First of all update all the mods to it's latest build.
Buildcraft 3.7.2: Â*
Delete any old versions of the Buildcraft zip/Jar files in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
And put the new zip/jar Â*in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
Please make sure you delete the Traincraft.cfg BEFORE UPDATING!!!!!!!!!!!
Delete any old versions of the Traincraft zip/Jar files in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
And put the new zip/jar Â*in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
Delete any old versions of the Railcraft zip/Jar files in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
And put the new zip/jar Â*in the "<minecraft>\mods" folder
Make sure you DELETE the old jar files and THE TRAINCRAFT.CFG Â*This is very importend otherwise it just ad stuff to the old CFG and cause all kind of problems
Minecraft 1.6.2
In preperation of 1.6.2
These are the 1.6.2 mods so don't use the below posted ones on 1.5.2!!!
Buildcraft: Â*Buildcraft 4.0.2 (
Railcraft: Â*Railcraft (
Traincraft: Â*Traincraft 4.1.0_006 (
Forge is needed to run these mods and can be found here:
Make sure to pick the latest one and use the installer!!!!! Cause Forge won't work with magic launcher anymore and need to be installed!!!!!!!
Also MAKE SURE to run the official launcher after you installed Forge before you start using magic launcher!!!
Instuction video HOWTO install forge on 1.6.2, use magic launcher, optifine and rei's minimap!!!
Make sure to put the mods buildcraft/railcraft/traincraft in the mincraft\mods folder.