View Full Version : Message from EA finnaly

2013-07-29, 13:57
Hey guys,

I post this message for those that dont hang around in the BFP4F forums alot, but this is a post from one of EA's devs.
Maybe you guys will keep faith in our "unbalanced, buggy" game.

I'll just drop a small note here. I peeked at this yesterday evening and planned out in my head a long winded post but I will keep it short. (Post message EDIT... I guess I was wrong)

So... For those of you who have invested time and/or money into the game and want to see it succeed or want more from your investment we know the game is in a rough place right now. And that you are eager for more and you want it yesterday, not "Soon". Many of the folks in the studio have been busy working on BFH and getting that in a "better place" fixing hundreds of bugs and issues, adding the long awaited Metagame and last week a Server Browser. We also have a large chunk of the studio busy with something else about which I shall say no more.

As you may have notice also, in recent months several EA P4F studios have been closed, and the titles are currently in transition to us so that we can maintain them as to such a time that we continue development which is also increasing the strain on some at the moment.

Now onto some juicer stuff...

Today we've discussed the future of BFP4F, had a little brain storming as to what, if anything we are going to do with the game going forward. I'm not going to go into details and bring up what was said as this was the first of several and more of a "Are we going to do more" meeting and it will only succeed in annoying people if some if it doesn't happen. So instead I shall just say that it looks positive in my eyes as a player, and not just the CM.

Nothing is going to change right NOW, and other than a few ideas, nothing is on paper or in the roadmap for that just yet so we won't see any immediate changes for a while yet. We've got a few more meetings to go and ideas to put together from others. (And yes, you can be damn sure that I will be passing on community suggestions and seeking to get the BPL in the mix too... as a start).

We might be looking at some pretty big changes... which are not just going to be made up in a few days by one guy and then sent to a few people with a note saying "make this". At the same time, we might be looking at very little being changed, but several people here have shown a great interest in making BFP4F a better game and thus we'll do what we can to make sure we head in that direction.

IF/once we start getting things in motion I'll certainly look into arranging a Dev Q&A, but for now, the above is where we are at, and what is happening.

I might be able to answer some in the time being though if you have any.

Does that help at all?

PS: Forgive any typos, busy week, Friday, HUUUUUURRR DUUUUUUURR, ZzzzzzZ, ZzzzzzzzzzZ

2013-07-29, 14:08
Sounds goodd

2013-07-29, 14:20
I think they lie ÂÂ*:lol:

2013-07-29, 16:19
Sounds like a long wait

2013-07-29, 16:46
I think I dont give a fuck about what EA says or think.
See it to fucking believe it...

All this "maybe this, maybe that" talk makes me feel very bad.

2013-07-29, 17:36

EAsy actually invented the credo Soon[sup:041bfab8ff]tm[/sup:041bfab8ff] which in their language actually means: "when your kids have produced kids".......

Aside from the fact it now has been confirmed by the devs that they have done shit all about this game for an extended time, which the P4F community already new any way, this statement actually states nothing............

As Jim said: seeing is believing, and at the moment I see nothing

2013-07-29, 20:49

2013-07-29, 21:27
I agree

2013-07-30, 15:41
Consider the development period....playing period...tech improvements...graphic improvements..game engine and on and on.

I think that a compamy comes to a turning point...muck about with a game being played risk dissafection or go for a totally new version with improvements.

If EA sticks with the current BattlefieldP4Free i will eat my hat.

Think, are they (ID) still fixing bugs on Doom, or are they developing Doom4?

2013-07-30, 16:07
I just think this a scam to keep us busy to keep playing the game i dont think atall EAsy is going to uptate and work hard as they use to.