View Full Version : Idea for OG1 and maybe more servers.

2013-08-07, 08:11
Alright guys. Yesterday i was playing on OG1 with pyran, wilson, oorox and some other people, and i really got fustrated by 1 thing.

I was getting shot by FAMAS and l85a2's everywhere. The enemy team had over 8-9 assaults.

So... my idea is can we have a class limiter on the assault class? Maybe this could work to balance the game a little.

Ive heard rumors going around about banning FAMAS out of the server, but i think this is slightly better.

Please give me your opninion.

2013-08-07, 14:14
class limit for assault :? i dont think that is a good idea :)

2013-08-07, 14:29
i was in the same sever with Forland at the time...it was unplayable... i came up with an idea as there are 4 classes and 16 people per team could we do it like this just as a trial......

4 assualts per team
4 medics per team
4 recon per team
4 engineers per team

as Forland said it was really unballenced and we ended up leaving to play in OG 2
if this is possible would be good to see as a trial to see if it keeps teams ballenced :)

anyway see you guys in game :)

Owen (vPrice)

2013-08-07, 16:27
I think 4 of each would be overkill since each map will contain more classes then the other.

2013-08-07, 17:15
I think 4 of each would be overkill since each map will contain more classes then the other.

This and it would never get filled i think......

2013-08-07, 21:44
it would never get filled i think......

Besides: I LOVE my Famas!
If that is banned, I will get the MK3 for use on Oman with 90 day double weapon slot for assault rifle..........

2013-08-08, 11:56
1 small suggestion no prebuy?!or no shotguns at all cuz they are annoying

2013-08-08, 19:43
the ÂÂ*no prebuy rule is in the wrong basket here my assaullt isnt the good level for a FAMAS but i use it and love it

the banning a famas Rule isnt a good idea either ÂÂ*but a class limiter is a good idea max 7??

2013-08-08, 22:20
To many class limits will break down the popularity of the server (that isnt that high)...
Maybe if we could get a agreement on banning some weapons from server it might be better to play but not for all players... You guys also have to involve other regular OG members that ar paying for our gameservers via Membership fee, you don't want to kill their fun when they are still paying for it but can't use what they like.

It's not easy to arange these kinda things, it has to be equal for all.

2013-08-09, 11:24
About making class limiter on OG servers i dont think RPG is going to listen cos i have played in a lot of other servers and i have never seen class limiter about assaults. And about the other suggestion is very complicated cos EA is giving us this game for free but in other way its making their own business via selling weapons. So that means is PAY 2 WIN game :(. Its very hard to stop some things in this game, but since we have our own servers we can put some rules. I am just afraid about not to lose players. I dont remember exactly what server i was one day there was a rule against weapons if you didnt get right lvl for that weapon. For example one guy killed me with famas lvl 2 and he got kicked. Thats really nice cos at least you know if someone has famas and he deserve to have it on lvl 21, was enjoying and there was no qq-ing :P. But im saying again this game is PAY 2 WIN.

Everything here its up on couple of BAUSSES :P

p.s : i think RPG has closed this subject about shotguns. PUMP SHOTGUNS will be allowed forever on OG servers.

2013-08-09, 12:50
We can discuss this for weeks, but why not just give it a try?

Try it out for a couple of days, if it doesn't work and the servers rermain empty we can always switch back.

2013-08-10, 02:31
1. A pre buy rule.

- Response absolutely not! Buying a gun before you have the possibility to doesn't make you an instant skilled player. Â*+ It would cut of a large portion of players. Which in turn cuts off a large portion of potential awesome people that maybe even come to the awesomeness level of joining us. + some (if not allot) in OG prebuyed some weapons(yes including me) I find it a very stupid reason to kick a guy for having a weapon he's not supposed to get yet.

Like feeling better because you should have like a surplus privilege on a better weapon and he shouldn't... I'm sorry but that's not a angle OG will support at all.

2. shotguns

- I know some people gets annoyed even by the pump action shotguns. And then in turn some people use it. I sometimes like to take the 870 on my medic and have some fun. :) (almost only reason why I play medic! :D )The reason why pump action shotguns are allowed they don't affect the game play in CQB maps in a way that having allot of them in a team has a big impact! Is it annoying CQB, well yes it kills you in 1 shot ... so do other weapons.

Considering the low ammo, high reload time and bad damage in mid and long range I can't call this a thing that breaks the server like semi's or auto's in Sharqi.

Also referring to a poll you made although it has 8 votes only. 3 vote for remove of all shotguns, Â*5 are against. I know this is a small portion of our members and it slipped probably through some members there eyes. I believe this is a trend that will settle itself the same way. There are allot of people against it but they get a bit overtopped by those that don't find it a problem. If not please feel free to vote otherwise in the poll. POLL LINK (http://www.oldguys.eu/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=6993)

3. class limiting.

We have already a limiter in place for recons because of the general camp behaviour and I think that one is settled to the correct numbers to assure balance play. A 4 player class restriction would be horrible for server popularity, trust me on that one! ;)

A class limiter for assault lets say I'm interested in the result and will try a trial sweet number for it and see how it goes. Since they are a class that have one of the most OP weapons, banning not the weapons but setting a restriction on class might reduce the annoyance in the server that mostly creates unbalance. But allow still to use those weapons for the diversity of gameplay. I'm up to test with it. ;)

4. me listening and reacting

I'm listening and reading, I'm maybe slow responding but it has a reason. If I would respond immediately it would cut some people of to say their opinion. And yes everyone's opinion count and yes everyone chips in for the costs. BUT we are a community a group of people, that means that we have to find a middle in between that works as good as possible for everyone. And atm your shotgun rule vevistyle has to low supporters within our community. Therefore I can't react on something the majority atm doesn't find needed to be reacted on.

Also if you think something is bad or anything else if you don't say it, I can't smell it. So if for example you don't like pump action shotguns then vote for a ban on them in the poll. If you do like then vote for no further restriction.

Communicate about problems, opinions, ideas or how do you except we are gone know about it?

And it's my 'job' (cough cough cough heavy) to react on the general opinion of the group. To assure the best gameplay experience for all you guy's.

And this doesn't mean lets ban famas because I don't like it and then he well he doesn't like this map so lets change the server to that map. It doesn't work that way, it works in finding out people's opinion and finding the main line to settle us. Will it sometimes disappoint people yes probably, but it also disappoint me when I have to cook and my gf doesn't want to cause she's to lazy.

My point is!

The main group supports idea X, then I will do as much as I can to make idea X possible(Within the lines of possible and community ideals) for the entire group. And yeh some people might not find idea X the greatest well this might be different for idea Y or Z ... and then for those ideas there might be other people disagreeing. We are in a group and this demands a certain level of 'compromises' ;)

2013-08-10, 12:01
A class limiter for assault....SNIP.......Since they are a class that have one of the most OP weapons, banning not the weapons but setting a restriction on class

I like this idea as long as there is a planned review of the class limit when the next nerf comes in which WILL include FAMAS and L85 (unless the devs are really oblivious of their own current game mechanics).

The only setback that can happen is that the already unfindable ammo boxes will be even more unfindable.............. but hey, let's see!

Concerning shotguns:
The poll seems to have closed, I can't vote anymore.
I see illogical rules on shotguns over our 5 servers, so I placed my proposal on that in the Poll thread as a post instead. (To prevent discussion on this in 2 topics, I refrain from copying it here)

2013-08-10, 17:18
[quote=Hersh";p="54123]it would never get filled i think......

Besides: I LOVE my Famas!
If that is banned, I will get the MK3 for use on Oman with 90 day double weapon slot for assault rifle..........

Sure i like the FAMOUS, but what does it have to do with Oman, i dont care much for shotguns nor have i ever had a double slot before :?:

2013-08-10, 18:48
Ok then i suggest no m145 on op guns :))

2013-08-12, 14:15
Yo RPG... you tired bro from all that post you wrote to all of us, hows your fingers ? ;)

2013-08-12, 15:06
Sure i like the FAMOUS, but what does it have to do with Oman, i dont care much for shotguns nor have i ever had a double slot before :?:

No relation Hersh, I was just trying to make a point that if I am not allowed to use my BOUGHT-FOR-MONEY Famas anymore on our servers, I will go trolling the servers with my assault with the most inappropriate (but still allowed) weapons I can get my hands on and since Oman does not forbid shotguns.......Â*:twisted:

2013-08-13, 22:26

This one of the things were i have been waiting for SO long, beqause lvl 1 famas !
I agree for 500 %

2013-08-21, 11:28
Im Just saying but Assault Limiter Is the worst idea ever.

I my self hate recon limiter cause i keep getting kicked but on the ever hand it ÂÂ*makes the Server Fair so more people Can Play without rage quitting.

I Do agree FAMAS is Overpowered even do i use it my self :)
L85A2 Is one of the worst weapon for OG 1 (Sharqi).

I Think we should Have a Poll but its up to the Game Leaders ÂÂ*: RPG - Skinny - Alex

2013-08-21, 11:52
but it also disappoint me when I have to cook and my gf doesn't want to cause she's to lazy.

The only thing I read. Nice.

2013-08-21, 16:46
Oh, boy, EA is lazy...
I think they never nerf famas...

2013-08-21, 16:56
assault limiter isnt a nice idea guys

2013-08-21, 17:04
There already is one, i was playing with cpt.stone and first got kicked for recon D:
Then i joined with assault and got kicked for class limit D:

2013-08-30, 21:06
I agree, there are sometimes teams with prebuyed and overpowered weapons on the OG and other servers. Its more hot metal then oxigen in air. Those games are just frustrating, I feel realy like an old guy then.

Though I do not think, we should install limiters. It would cause to many kicks, people won´t like it. Just take a look on all the complaints in the blogs.

So the better way in my eyes is to change the server for a while and to come back later.

2013-08-30, 21:07
I agree, there are sometimes teams with prebuyed and overpowered weapons on the OG and other servers. Its more hot metal then oxigen in air. Those games are just frustrating, I feel realy like an old guy then.

Though I do not think, we should install limiters. It would cause to many kicks, people won´t like it. Just take a look on all the complaints in the blogs.

So the better way in my eyes is to change the server for a while and to come back later.