View Full Version : Server Rules and Conduct extension for the BFP4F division.

2013-09-11, 21:07
Server Rules and Conduct extension for the BFP4F division.

Art. 1. General behavior of all persons should at all times be in-line with all Old Guys Gaming Community codes and regulations, if otherwise then admin action should be taken to correct the instance. Old Guys Gaming Community can be recognized by the following tags: [OG] and -=OG=-.
1° Respect all persons in AND out of the server. At no time should there be any character bashing of anyone or of any kind.
2° Avoid complaining about or ridiculing other people's style of gameplay.
3° Be gracious in your victories and losses. Nobody really cares how good you are, nor does anybody enjoy hearing you complain every time you die (i.e., 'wtf', 'lucky shot', 'my team sucks'). However, good-natured taunting between friends is encouraged. We are here to have fun!
4° No profane, racial, derogatory or inappropriate language should be used. This includes anything that could be taken incorrectly or out of context and insinuations of language that would otherwise be inappropriate.
5° The use of political, drug, racial, religious, and foul language as names is strictly prohibited and should be considered inappropriate.
6° There should be no arguing or smack talking of any kind in the servers. However, good-natured taunting between friends is encouraged. We are here to have fun.

Art. 1bis. Absolutely no use of Exploits, Hacks, cheating at any time. This includes anything that gives any person an advantage over another by any other means than by true skill. Understand that you are the only one that should be playing under your registered account. Allowing others to play for you is considered stat padding and is considered the same as having a program bot play for you to gain rank and global scores. You will be reviewed and possibly suspended/released from the community for this. Our servers are monitored at all times and screenshots will be taking of violators. This evidence will be sent to the game publishers along with your CD Hash and IP address.
1° No Stat padding will be tolerated. This includes any team work or exploit to pad your score or gain higher rank.
2° There should be no accusing anyone of Cheating/Hacking, if you have a legitimate concern take it to an admin. Otherwise record a demo for review by the Community at a later date. Accusing someone of Cheating/Hacking while in a public server is strictly prohibited.

Art. 1ter. We like to use the language ‘English’ as main language on our server(s) to communicate. We don’t strictly enforce it from the start. But when admins, moderators, members of the Old Guys Gaming Community think you break the rules in another language, they can enforce the language English as the language you should use in our server(s). If you continue using another language other then the English when asked to do so, sanctions might follow.

Art. 1quater. There should also be no arguing with admins, moderators, players or members about the rules that are herby stated. If there is a dispute regarding a rule or act of enforcement it should be brought up to the respective game leader, in the correct section of the Old Guys forum when a complaint section is present at the Old Guys forum or through personal contact with pm’s or mail.

Art. 2. Websites and advertisements are not to be used in a name or in typed text. Recruiting for any reason other then for Old Guys Gaming Community is also prohibited and shows lack of respect towards our community.

Art. 3. Spawn camping and base raping are strictly forbidden on all Old Guys Gaming Community servers.
1° To determine what is spawn rape and what is not. If a person camps at a position close or in the spawn, with the intention to stay there and kill players when they spawn is labeled as spawn rape. A player passing by the spawn or taking the flag and killing players that spawned in his environment with the intention not to stay at the spawn place is not considered spawn rape.
2° To determine Base rape all bases should be taken from the ally team, otherwise you cannot speak of a base rape. When players have the intention to stay or be in the environment of the base with the intention to continuous kill players in the base is considered as base rape and therefore not allowed. A jet passing by once and dropping a bomb and killing players will not be considered as base rape. If this is happening in a repetitive way this will be considered as base rape since he has the intention to kill continuous players by flying by and dropping bombs in the base.

Art. 4. No team killing or acts leading or could be seen as team killing.
1° no runway griefing this includes destroying jets, helicopters, vehicles,ect… *pushing, driving, flying, ect.. people of the runway or other.
2° No kamikaze of jets or helicopters There are people that come to fly planes, helicopters instead of crashing them!

Art. 5. No taxing, using planes or attack helicopters as taxis to flags and drop them there and therefore wasting a team asset.

Art. 6. Limiting of recons could be done on our servers.
1° Old Guys 1 has a max of 4 recons a team.
2° Old Guys 2 has a max of 5 recons a team.
3° Old Guys 3 has a max of 6 recons a team.
4° Old Guys 6 has a max of 6 recons a team.

Art. 7. Limiting the rank that can enter our servers.
1° obsolete

Art. 8. Additional server rules

Art. 8bis.
Old Guys Gaming Server 1 referred as: OG1:# Combat forbids the use of:
1° Auto shotguns including but not limited to: Usas-12, normal, veteran or elite version and the MK3A1.
2° Semi-auto shotguns including but not limited to: Spas-15 and Saiga-12.

Art. 8ter.
Old Guys Gaming Server 2 *referred as: OG2:# Karkand Only forbids the use of:
1° Auto shotguns including but not limited to: Usas-12, normal, veteran or elite version and the MK3A1.
2° Semi-auto shotguns including but not limited to: Spas-15 and Saiga-12.

Art. 8quater.
Old Guys Gaming Server 6 referred as: OG6:# Myanmar Only forbids the use of:
1° Auto shotguns including but not limited to: Usas-12, normal, veteran or elite version and the MK3A1.
2° Semi-auto shotguns including but not limited to: Spas-15 and Saiga-12.
3° Pump action shotguns including but not limited to: spas-12, normal, veteran or elite version and 870 combat, normal or BF3 edition

Art. 9. Guidelines Old Guys Gaming Community members should follow when playing on the OG server(s).
1° All members should try to wear their Proper Community Tag as much as possible while on any [OG] -=OG=- and allied servers.
2° If you are wearing the [OG] tag in another server then all [OG] standards and expectations apply whether the servers rules state it or not. Otherwise, if you are not wearing the [OG] you are still required to obey the individual server's rules. If it is found that an [OG] member wearing tag or not is causing problems in any server there will be action taken. You are a representative of [OG], act like it.
3° As a member of [OG] you are responsible to assist in enforcing the [OG] rules while in [OG] servers. If an admin is in the server let them handle the problems within reason. Also, if you are playing on another community's server, obey their rules as you would expect them to obey ours.

Art. 10. Guidelines Old Guys Gaming Community Trials or recruits should follow when playing on the OG server(s).
1° All recruits, trials should try to wear their Proper Community Tag as much as possible while on any [OG] -=OG=- and allied servers.
2° While you are wearing the [OG] recruits tag you are responsible for your actions in regards to the [OG] rules of appropriate conduct. If it comes to the attention of [OG] that you disobey those rules your recruitment may be withdrawn.
3° As a recruit of [OG] you are responsible to assist in enforcing the [OG] rules while in [OG] servers. If an admin or [OG] member is in the server let them handle the problems within reason.

Art. 11. A member, moderator or admin of the Old Guys Gaming Group can kick, warn or ban for other reasons then mentioned in the rules. With his or her action he or she should take the spirit and conduct of Old Guys in his or her reasoning and take responsibility of his or her action when a complaint might come as a consequence of his or her action. Always he or she should keep the conduct, spirit and rules of Old Guys in their head, asking a supervisor for advice might be needed.

Art. 12. Sanctions that could be used when breaking Old Guys Gaming Community Server rules.
1° Restricted access on our gaming server(s)
2° Denied access on our gaming server(s)
3° Ban
4° Kick
5° Warning
6° Removal of VIP right’s.
7° Removal of admin, moderator rights.
8° Removed as member, recruit or trial of the Old Guys Gaming Community
9° Other not mentioned above.

When referring to these server rules and conduct you shall use it in the following sequence: Art. = Article *| X° = member X.[/size]

2013-09-11, 21:09
The above rules are subject to change as from 01st of October.

Adaptations that will be made:

C4 on cars to be seen as kamikaze.
No C4 on cars/flags/mcoms
OG1 no C4 at all

OG1 + OG6: no shotguns
OG2 + OG7: pump shotguns only
OG3: no restrictions

2013-09-11, 21:30
Nice Mr.Game leader :D

2013-09-11, 22:33
lolol no c4 on og1. Epic new rule!

2013-09-17, 11:37
uhhhh... i finally finished reading... almost like a small book :P.

I like everything you put in new rules. Very nice Skinny !

2013-09-17, 13:13
I made a copy of it, and nu origin ID is -OG-ForceOnelol..qause other kind of Â*-($@&%"_-?/ is invalid...
Btw its clear now what to do(n't) :)

2013-09-17, 15:01
What about claymores? mortars etc and glitching?

2013-09-17, 19:07
C4 on cars to be seen as kamikaze.
No C4 on cars/flags/mcoms
OG1 no C4 at all

Not a fan of the c4rule at all personally...
Shotguns well, people know what I think of that.
But it's good some general lines come then just different one's for every server...