View Full Version : Please check new server banners

2013-09-28, 12:43
These are the new server banners to fit the new rules.

Please check them for me to see if I've missed anything and if so, let me know!







2013-09-28, 13:07
nice skinny

eh in OG #3 its allowed to destroy a tank/BTR with the C4?

thats doenst count as a car i think

2013-09-28, 13:25
nice skinny

eh in OG #3 its allowed to destroy a tank/BTR with the C4?

thats doenst count as a car i think

Obviously you can destroy vehicles with C4.

What the "no c4 on car" means, is no suicide "terrorist" cars.
As in, putting c4 on the front of the car and go yala-yala.

2013-09-28, 13:53
a the classic C4 car troll

2013-09-28, 14:18
Looks good!

Maybe decrease the opacity of the line through www.oldguys.eu? Makes it really hard to read

2013-09-28, 14:35
Eindbaas: That was taken from the OG signature border (I can steal and copy/paste but not actually create, lol) so it is what it is, but what I can do is try to darken it up a little by using a brush or something in Photoshop.

I'll give it a try.

2013-09-28, 16:13
I think the word ''Car'' will make people think its humvee or buggy only.
I would change it to ''Vehicles'' cause people do it with apcs and transport helis aswell..

2013-09-28, 16:15
Eindbaas: That was taken from the OG signature border (I can steal and copy/paste but not actually create, lol) so it is what it is, but what I can do is try to darken it up a little by using a brush or something in Photoshop.

I'll give it a try.

I teach people photoshop, if you want me to fix it let me know :)

2013-09-28, 16:24
@Carlo: Good suggestion

@Eindbaas: I do want it toned down a little, but I would like you to show me how-to テつ*:)

2013-09-28, 17:55
@Carlo: Good suggestion

@Eindbaas: I do want it toned down a little, but I would like you to show me how-to ツ*:)

I'd personally leave it like this. I don't find it hard to read.
If you do want to change it though, it's a pain ,since there is only a pre-rendered template of the signature.
So you'd have to go in balls deep with a brush or such.

And if you really have time, try to make it into a alpha channel, and drop that into the signature project. Then you help everybody (read:Me) out in the future :D

2013-09-28, 19:47
Where is the option to not agree with the new rules? I guess i sort of missed this....

- C4 car should be allowed
-No more auto shotties on OG7 :(
-No more 870 at sharqi :(

2013-09-28, 20:39
everything looks good to me :). Well done Gert !

2013-09-29, 00:25
Nice but were it says rules instead of a yellow gradient it could be a orange gradient.

2013-09-29, 01:02
Looks much better then de Old One's right ?

2013-09-29, 10:11
Thanks all for the feedback.

And if you really have time, try to make it into a alpha channel, and drop that into the signature project. Then you help everybody (read:Me) out in the future :D
You lost my noobie ass there Burning. Alpha channel, what? If it is about sharing the photoshop file then , yeah of course I will share it, if not, help....?

I guess i sort of missed this....
We miss you too bro! Mr Warframe! テつ*:wink:

Nice but were it says rules instead of a yellow gradient it could be a orange gradient.
I might do that if I could, but as Burning already stated, there is only the signature file with the already rendered border+oldguys URL.
I understand that it would take quite an effort to do it with brushes etcetera.
Time I will have to spend on some other staff business probably.....

Looks much better then de Old One's right ?
That would not be fair to the person that created the one's before since the old ones are good looking and with my noob knowledge of PS I had quite a struggle to get close to that!
But I will read from this that you appreciate the new ones :wink:

2013-09-29, 11:00
Still not really found of the c4 rule...
Shotguns well you know my stand on that.

For the banners you might want to align the text more better.
Cause Karkand stands x amount of border and Oman stands x + x from the border.
They aren't aligned the same distance as their black bar with number on the left.

For the rest like the new image for OG3, always still had that default banner for months! :D
The chopper for OG1 also shows much better what maps and stuff.

The image of OG2 I found a bit misleading although I first thought it showed Basra and then I looked more closely and I saw it was a part in Karkand map, maybe there is a more defining image for karkand? Because those buildings are being recycled in sharqi and basra maps might not only confuse me? ツ*Just a suggestion! ;D

Good job, but feedback is feedback right! :D

2013-09-29, 17:57
Looks great Skinny, i really like the no c4 on cars for sure, but you did forget one thing ''Hersh is a Rock Star'' :lol:

Other then that looks great bro...

2013-09-30, 11:02
I was thinking something about small change for OG3 just so players will have it simpler to understand about C4, cos there will be a lot of excuses like (it is not showing no kamikaze with c4 bla bla...).

Example : No kamikaze with C4 / no C4 on flag.

2013-09-30, 13:25
I don't like prohibition on c4 on cars.
Lets add "no RPG on cars/tanks/apcs"
And "No reviving while taking flags".

Sorry, but sounds pretty silly.
Once I got an invite to the server where only VIPs could use famas and L85, other way - kick/ban.
And OG3 now reminds me that server.

2013-09-30, 17:17
I don't like prohibition on c4 on cars.
Lets add "no RPG on cars/tanks/apcs"
And "No reviving while taking flags".

Sorry, but sounds pretty silly.
Once I got an invite to the server where only VIPs could use famas and L85, other way - kick/ban.
And OG3 now reminds me that server.

Bebe, I wonder if you understand correctly what is meant with "C4 on car".

What is meant is terrorist/Jihad Jeeping, or otherwise said "putting a shitload of C4 on your car, drive into a group, jump out and detonate the C4 (kamikaze), destroying the car in the process (waste of assets)".
No teamplay in that, not aimed at PTFO, and delaying other team members to get to a flag along with it.

What is NOT meant is: "put C4 on enemy tank/apc/vehicle to take out the enemy by destroying his armor/vehicle.
C4 is the only way (aside from tow) that infantry has (in this case assault) to take out enemy armor/vehicles.
It WILL BE allowed to use it that way!

I think the last version is how you interpret it, looking at your comparison with "no RPG on/versus cars/tanks and No reviving when taking flags.
Please confirm this was indeed the case.

About your server comparison: you lost me there, since I fail to see how this new rule is discriminating between any VIPs/admins and the rest of the players.

2013-09-30, 17:44
Maybe you should change it to

No kamikaze/jihad vehicles

That is more clear, since "no c4 on car" could lead to confusion

2013-09-30, 17:54
1. It is very hard to kamikaze by using C4-charged car. I mean.. VERY HARD. Even If you change a seat and blow C4 - you won't die. If you jump out 2(!!!) meters before you reach your goal - you won't die.

2. "destroying the car in the process (waste of assets)" - what you mean by this? I use car properly to get on a flag and if it possible blow a car near vehicle. Where is wasting assets since cooldown on cars so little? And what can you do MORE USEFUL than destroying enemy tank for example? I can understand kamikazing with jets - good players can do much more kills than just killing one heli by flying into it. So even if I am not going on flag, but trying to get on a tank that stays in a field and camps, shooting all around by turning his tower - I cant agree that it is wasting.
I see car campers. They hold a car, it stays alive so new car can not appear. And they dont succeed there in 90% cases. 1 recon shot, 1 RPG hit. Let's punish car campers?

"No teamplay in that, not aimed at PTFO, and delaying other team members to get to a flag along with it.".
Nope. It is PURE TEAMPLAY. I clean the way for my team to reach the flags not being killed by camping heavy armored things. IMO.

Really mad here, sorry.

3. "About your server comparison: you lost me there, since I fail to see how this new rule is discriminating between any VIPs/admins and the rest of the players." - it is not comparison between VIPs. It is comparison of nonsense for both this rules.

As for me, I wish a banner would say - NO KAMIKAZING WITH JETS AND NO TAXIING - these two things ruin the game mostly!

And this new rule - C4 on cars(in the way you explained = wasting) - is killing time by creating new rules in sphere that houldn't be touched. I cant imagine I can not load my car with c4 anymore.

Thank you and sorry again.

2013-09-30, 18:31
I take that as a non-confirm and am sorry you don't like it.

2013-10-01, 20:48
At the end , mine is better explained for all players :P.

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2013-10-12, 11:33
Added a banner for OG8.
Other adaptations that were suggested I will do as soon as I have time :wink:


2013-10-12, 12:07
Once more on the C4 car. I saw it happen on OG7 and decided to ignore it. It is so hard to see who did it, it gives me to many things to watch out for as an admin and the guy saved my life doing it. The only thing this rule is doing now is making sure I dont have my C4 car fun.

Also on the shotties. I have heard some more people on TS that are dissapointed in the fact that we can no longer use our semi/auto shotties on OG7. Shotguns are not OP, they used to. The problem is that all server admins have yet to discover this.

2013-10-12, 12:12
Darkness, your point was already made before (and this thread was not about the actual rules but about the banners and banner layout etc.). Besides, I had positive comments in TS as well as in the ingame chat, so we can conclude it does matter who you ask.
Be patient young padewan テつ*:wink:

So tell me, what do you think of the OG8 banner?

2013-10-12, 13:03
Be patient young padewan ツ*:wink:

So tell me, what do you think of the OG8 banner?

US flag looks good, master.
(Or should I say Dark Lord of the Sith :P)

2013-10-12, 14:53
I was looking at this, why is there a little red X before the rules on all the banners?

I think it would look better to add a
- infront of all of them,

It's just a minor thing that annoys me as a designer haha :)
Looks great skinny, I don't think you have to change anything about it.

However, what Nikki said before
No kamikaze / C4 on flag is more clear on the no c4 rule.
Kamikaze is a term that is used since 1942 where people put tnt in jeeps.

It would be easier since you would not get people arguing "But I put c4 on helicopter not a car" or something.
Just the テつ*2 cents from somebody who doesn't play Free4Play at all :P

2013-10-12, 15:33
However, what Nikki said before
No kamikaze / C4 on flag is more clear on the no c4 rule.
Kamikaze is a term that is used since 1942 where people put tnt in jeeps.


2013-10-12, 15:57
Nice design Skinny. Fucking nice!

2013-10-12, 17:43
Added a banner for OG8.
Other adaptations that were suggested I will do as soon as I have time :wink:


Looks perfect bro, i think it shows that we are in the US now and WE are OG!

Aswome :!:

2013-10-27, 10:40
Normal C4 is allowed but not on flag/Car

2013-10-27, 15:10
Normal C4 is allowed but not on flag/Car

But what if you do not put it on the flag but like 1 meter next to it?
That is allowed right?