View Full Version : Tamed Beast Sets another scam by EASY?

2013-10-30, 16:34
I think easy is just screwing with people again to get money...

Tell me what you guys think

2013-10-30, 16:53
Obviously, EA is always trying to milk you guys (everybody actually) for money.
It's all they care about, the massive amounts of money that their P4F games bring in.

No offensive intended to anybody that plays Play4Free (I don't myself, used to)
I something wonder why you guys play Battlefield Play4Free when there are MUCH better free to play games out there. Game that are better balanced, cheaper, better supported, better looking etc.

Stuff like
Blacklight Retribution
Planetside 2
Ghost Recon Online
Tactical Intervention

Here is MMOHuts top 10 First person shooters and their top 10 third person shooters



2013-10-30, 18:08
Well..its a free to play game, i get it why they need money. Need for speed world is basically dying from what i can read on their forums.. and the other games are just horrible, so they have to get the most money from BFP4F. The only thing is, i just find it completely and utterly retarded of Easy's part to release a set of each class (except recon obviously) of the 2 most op weapons they had to balance..
So...pre-balance, they create sets with 1 attachment and 1 weapon (Mg36+vipers, QBB+reddot etc..) so they can sell cause they knew they were op but didnt give a damn.
And now that they are balanced they sell the again? its like, WUTDERFUK.
Dunno man...The balance and shit is great, but why not release a set with the new rebalanced weapons?
I would of loved to see a Rpk set for example..

but anyway, EASY just did another of those dumb ass moves i guess.

Blacklight Retribution ÂÂ*
I used to play this game, but got bored of its repetive gameplay :(

Planetside 2
Tried it...kinda of a steep learning curve.

Ghost Recon Online
After rank 5 i think it was, you get put with the ''big boys'' and your ''trial period'' is over, you get overrun by better guns..

Tactical Intervention
Never heard of it, will give it a try once i get to my old place.

For some odd reason, i keep getting connection error just before the game's main menu interface. I think it has to do with my crappy internet at the moment.

2013-10-30, 18:16
Well..its a free to play game, i get it why they need money. Need for speed world is basically dying from what i can read on their forums.. and the other games are just horrible, so they have to get the most money from BFP4F. The only thing is, i just find it completely and utterly retarded of Easy's part to release a set of each class (except recon obviously) of the 2 most op weapons they had to balance..
So...pre-balance, they create sets with 1 attachment and 1 weapon (Mg36+vipers, QBB+reddot etc..) so they can sell cause they knew they were op but didnt give a damn.
And now that they are balanced they sell the again? its like, WUTDERFUK.
Dunno man...The balance and shit is great, but why not release a set with the new rebalanced weapons?
I would of loved to see a Rpk set for example..

but anyway, EASY just did another of those dumb ass moves i guess.

Blacklight Retribution Â*
I used to play this game, but got bored of its repetive gameplay :(

Planetside 2
Tried it...kinda of a steep learning curve.

Ghost Recon Online
After rank 5 i think it was, you get put with the ''big boys'' and your ''trial period'' is over, you get overrun by better guns..

Tactical Intervention
Never heard of it, will give it a try once i get to my old place.

For some odd reason, i keep getting connection error just before the game's main menu interface. I think it has to do with my crappy internet at the moment.

I see, that's pretty weird indeed. I don't know why they do that.

Did you play Blacklight alone? Because any game gets boring alone :D
I found the same.

Planetside 2 has a Tutorial now, soon a new optimization patch, I think it's worth taking a look at again.

What I always wonder is, that I hear alot of P4F guys here talk about how Easy doesn't give a shit about them, didn't balance (before the patch) and support for the game was bad etc.

So that made me wonder, why keep playing /paying for it ? :P
Since in my opinion, You can buy BF2, for 10 bucks. have a better looking game, all maps. all guns etc.
Even BF3 isn't to expensive anymore. And if you mention computers, if i hear the numbers of how much money some people dropped on play4free, could have build a BF3 capable machine with that ^^

It's in my own interest to get some more BF3 players :P Since most people moved to BF4.
But thats a completely different point. Going a bit off-topic here.

2013-10-30, 22:14
Well, if we could get some members to play blacklight retribution i would definitely start to play again.
I dont even remember the weapon setup i used xDDD

2013-10-30, 22:38
Well, if we could get some members to play blacklight retribution i would definitely start to play again.
I dont even remember the weapon setup i used xDDD

We should lobby around to see if people that don't play BF4 are interested :)
I guess most people would be up for it. Game is free, easy acces on Steam, isn't to heavy on the system.

I started playing agian a few weeks ago. Still on Default.. Played it in Beta ^^

2013-10-31, 01:21
It's in my own interest to get some more BF3 players :P Since most people moved to BF4.
But thats a completely different point. Going a bit off-topic here.

Huh, your not playing Battlefield 4?

OT, I do agree that moving to a different shooter all together would not be such a bad idea.
Lobby around and I am sure youll find some more searching souls!

2013-10-31, 16:03
I am thinking to stop playing BFP4F too.
I still have to fix the 2fps in bf4.....
I'll make a post of suggestions \?