View Full Version : You may help me to fix this problem with BF4.

2014-01-04, 23:04
Hello guys,

I have a problem with my bf4. I explain to you quickly. When I load the game to join a server. My bf4 crashs and it says to me this message. I show you with a picture, maybe one of you knows this problem and could help me coz I asked on EA support, but they don't answer to me, I've already checked on google but no way, nothing works, my driver is updated and same for directX. I don't know really know and I'm lost, and bored. I just want to play this fucking game without restart my comp many times and pray the god to load the game without a crash because it rarely works.

Thanks in advance.

2014-01-05, 14:09
Finally I can put all my french lessons to good use Â*8)

I think in the last line its says you need a gfx card with more than 512MB of RAM? Do you have GTX 550 TI with 1024 or 512MB of ram?

2014-01-05, 18:46
Finally I can put all my french lessons to good use Â*8)

I think in the last line its says you need a gfx card with more than 512MB of RAM? Do you have GTX 550 TI with 1024 or 512MB of ram?

haha ur welcome :)

And I've GTX 550 Ti with 1 GB of ram.

2014-01-05, 20:10
1 GB ram?

that may be the problem

my opinion is that you need more RAM

2014-01-05, 20:32
Rip it out and get a new one IMO

2014-01-05, 21:08
1 GB ram?

that may be the problem

my opinion is that you need more RAM

How many so?

2014-01-05, 21:23
It looks like it's a driver issue, look if you have the latest driver for 1gb.
If you do change to an older version of the 1gb card.

2014-01-08, 22:56
1 GB ram?

that may be the problem

my opinion is that you need more RAM

How many so?

i think at least 4 GB

2014-01-08, 23:03
It may be a driver issue, as it says in the error message. Just make sure you update your gfx-drivers and/or directx, incase it might not have fixed it.

2014-01-08, 23:48
1 GB ram?

that may be the problem

my opinion is that you need more RAM

How many so?

i think at least 4 GB

Mind you ,we are talking VRAM, the RAM your videocard uses to process textures and such. Not the RAM your system uses..
You cannot 'upgrade' your vram, the only way to get more vram is by buying a videocard that has more vram.

2014-01-09, 23:01
Well, I don't find any drivers for 1 gb... Yes, I guess, I need to change my graphic card, Fuck it. What's the best Nvidia Card for bf4 and not too expensive.

2014-01-10, 08:35
Best Nvidia card for BF4 which is not expensive is some AMD card as BF4 is little bit twiked for AMD-s.

2014-01-10, 08:37
suggest a cheap 7000 series from amd, so you still have the mantle advantage.

2014-01-10, 12:47
suggest a cheap 7000 series from amd, so you still have the mantle advantage.
+1 for this.

Look at some 7850- 7870 -7950.
Or maybe a 270 - 270X, whatever our budget allows.

2014-01-10, 13:02
I'd like to keep Nvidia, I had bad experiences with AMD.

2014-01-10, 13:06
With what AMD and when?

2014-01-10, 14:39
I'd like to keep Nvidia, I had bad experiences with AMD.
Things of the past are things of the past, brand loyalty only hurts you in your wallet. AMD's cards are just as well build as Nvidia. The only thing seperating both companies is pricing and performance. If you want the fastest stuff on this planet, Nvidia is the way to go. If you want a mid level card and you have a budget, go AMD. AMD offers much better value/performance in the low/mid segments

What is your budget? And what is your definition of "Not too expensive"

2014-01-10, 14:44
I wouldn't say that Nvidia have much better high end cards then AMD.

2014-01-10, 15:39
I wouldn't say that Nvidia have much better high end cards then AMD.
Agree, not much. But the 780 TI is the fastest gpu around :)

GTX 770, 780. 780 TI, 690. Those are the GPU's i'd consider for Nvidia, anything less, i'd go with AMD 100%, less $$ , equal performance :D

2014-01-10, 15:46
This is classic AMD vs Nvidia war now :D


2014-01-10, 16:33
This is classic AMD vs Nvidia war now :D


But seriously ^^
There is no war, pointless, also Starscream won't drop 600$ on a GPU, if he will his definition of "not too expensive" is very far off :D

Also 780 TI over-all is faster than 290X

In terms of speed its 780TI > R290X > TITAN > 780 (Non-TI) last time I checked.

But who cares, All i was saying was, I'd only recommend getting nvidia if you are in the high-segment, not in mid or low :)

2014-01-10, 16:35
Get 7870 or 7850 and enjoy

2014-01-10, 16:43
My price is around 280 euros max !

2014-01-10, 16:45
7870, have 2 of them and one should be more then enough for BF4

2014-01-10, 17:01
I'd like to keep Nvidia, I had bad experiences with AMD.
hehe good !
At lease 4gb of ram
Direct X 10+
At least dualcore
windows 7/8
and yea..
Ur video card shouldn't be a problem...

2014-01-10, 17:43
That's why I don't understand and I've contacted EA and they've never answer to me. Good mentality

2014-01-10, 18:02
I'd like to keep Nvidia, I had bad experiences with AMD.

AMD will support mantle, a driver that will replace directX and is supposed to cause a huge performance boost in bf4 (45% are the rumors)

Mantle, the new API from AMD and DICE is set to replace DirectX for AMD users – at least in Battlefield 4 and other Frostbite 3 games. It was meant to be released via patch last year, but that patch has been delayed to some time later this month. The wait might be worth it; it reportedly increases performance by up to 45%.

Screenshots leaked from a presentation at CES suggest that performance in Battlefield 4 could increase by as much as 45% – at least, when paired with a Kaveri APU. Mantle is intended to give developers better low-level access to AMD GCN hardware, similar to the way that developers are afforded that access on consoles, extracting much better performance from analogous chipsets. It’ll also make porting games between PC and new-gen consoles quicker and easier.

2014-01-10, 19:07
Well AMD r9 270x will cost arround 170 euro
AMD r9 280x will cost arround 260 euro.

If you have the money i would peronaly go for a R9 280x price is pretty good and this generation will support mantle.

Altough mantle is still not proven on all hardware a kaveri apu did run 45% faster compared to directx.

Oxide games already proved that a 290x runs 300% faster on their engine.

Also with nvidia you are stuck with G-sync. AMD is working on freesync where you actualy don't need a new specialy expensive monitor to get rid off tearing.

2014-01-14, 00:51
I'm on AMD now. Will switch back to nVidia as soon as I have money for something decent (in a few decades, probably).

My main issue with AMD is linux performance, they suck!

2014-01-14, 22:22
Well, I think I'll take a GTX 770

2014-01-15, 18:43
Hi, I had the same problem... Did you try playnig with every setting on low? If it still crashes I don't think it's your gfx-card.

What I did was I read a LOT of forums and the solution for me was go into this folder:

C:\Origin\Battlefield 4\__Installer\directx\redist

And run DXSETUP.exe from there... Not the downloaded version from Microsoft.

If that doesn't help, reinstall entire game. Yes, just do it, worked for me for other bugs, and I've had most bugs, including in my bed... ;)
And if that still doesn't work try an older nvidia driver from 1-2 months back.

Nvidia 760 GTX is a good card that doesn't break the bank, although as everyone says, AMD Radeon is the way to go for this game. And both companies sells millions of cards every year and puts out loads of different models. They both produce faulty cards and drivers from time to time. Just bad luck, read online reviews before you buy and ask your local store for a card with the lowest return rate whichever you chose.

Good luck,

2014-01-16, 22:18
I did all thing you said but still the same problem. Pissed me off. I can play all games as CS:GO, COD, League of legend And I don't have any problem , only with BF.

2014-01-17, 11:26
I did all thing you said but still the same problem. Pissed me off. I can play all games as CS:GO, COD, League of legend And I don't have any problem , only with BF.

The games you just mention are no-where as demanding as BF i must say though.