View Full Version : Shotguns and C4

2014-03-10, 19:28
Hello OG's

There are two in game items i would like to redo our rules on.

With the new C4 nerf. C4 is no longer able to be refilled with an ammo box.

C4 on sharqi: I would like to allow C4 on all our servers again. It is no longer crazy spammable with the new nerf, so it should not cause any more problems to you than grenades or claymores. C4 on mcom can be easily countered by throwing a grenade at the mcom before arming.

C4 on car (terrorist jeep): I would like to allow terrorist jeep again. It is no longer crazy spammable with the new nerf. Also it is a lot of fun!

I like shotguns. They are a tactical weapon of choice. Shotguns are crap at mid-long range, but put you in an advantage at close quarters. I also put enjoyment in facing enemies using a shotgun IT ONLY ADDS ANOTHER ELEMENT TO THE GAMEPLAY! Therefore i would like to:
- allow pump action shotguns on OG1
- allow all shotguns on OG2 exept USAS12 (E USAS 12 might cause problems in the ratruns)
- allow all shotguns on OG3
- allow pump action shotguns on OG6 (this map definatily has enough range to support shotguns!)
- allow all shotguns on OG7 (this map most definatily has enough range to support shotguns!)

Lets loosen up a bit and allow some more stuff on our servers to change up the game a bit. Shotguns are a part of this game and just like in reality you may have to face them or blast them away from mid-to long range where they have to chance at all. ツ*(and let me have fun with my shotguns, I like playing with them and im getting bored)

2014-03-11, 10:46
Morning guys!

I dont think there should be any changes made to the C4 rules, they are reasonable.
C4 on flag / m-coms is one of the most annoying and skillless things i could imagine in this game,
therefor i absolutely support the current rules.

As for the shotguns, i personally do not like them, this is why i personally do not support the suggested changes.
If the majority of our members think the changes should be made, i will support it anyway!

As for the "lets allow more stuff", we already allow +3ツエs, what do you want more テつ*:lol: (this is a joke pointing at the complainings going on in the official forums, to all of those that dont get it without further explanations)


2014-03-11, 21:34
Morning guys!

I dont think there should be any changes made to the C4 rules, they are reasonable.
C4 on flag / m-coms is one of the most annoying and skillless things i could imagine in this game,
therefor i absolutely support the current rules.

I Agree with Sebastian

OG1- テつ*NO C4 and SG was my idea and people love it, even with rush now the nade spam has a c4 effect you just cant outrun all the nades.

OG2- Pumpies are allowed allready, Infantry fights take place in aleys CQC areas due to presence of Angry tanks and APCs, and lets not forget about Snipers on rooftops, even when there was 2 shotguns present, there was a bigger fight in the chat then Battlefield.. Imagine the discomfort of introducing even more Shotguns.

OG3- Is good like it is all allowed exc. C4 cars etc

OG6- Myanmar 24/7 No Shotguns is its trade mark its signature its the only myanmar with NO Shoties.

OG7- Same as for OG2, Mashtuur has the charecaristics as Karkand, Vehicles, Snipers on roofs, Firefigts in aleys and Cqc areas.
(we had Shoties on OG7 and it didnt work, even alot of dislikes from members)

Also all the mixing of rules all the time is not healthy for server reputation, we dont wanna look like we can't make up our minds tho ;)

Before we made a hit on shotgun use, me and Skinny Brainstormed the best combo of rules for servers and all were happy with the outcome...


2014-03-13, 15:55
As on old Mod some years ago with =OG=, and now currently back, thanks to the team here, who very kindly have accepted me back into the fold, and have given me me my old rights back, If darkness cares to look at my previous posts from a long time ago, he will find テつ*similar postings by me, very much like his.

At that time, the use of shotgun bans were just being introduced, and having bought recently a Spas12? , I also liked the use of them, and found it irritating to have a weapon in my inventory that I couldn't use.

But since those times, many other groups, not only ours have introduced there own bans on certain parts of the game, this goes for the C4 kamikaze rules 1st October. テつ*There are some =OG= maps where you are allowed to use テつ*Pump action Shotguns. On =OG3= as far as I can see , currently there are no restrictions on Shotgun use.

For a really good insight into, especially Demolition charges, I would suggest, if you have a PS3, go and buy at a small cost EA battlefield1943. Not only will you die many times in 3 minutes,(spawns you back, so you get killed again) Charges can be set up in a bunker, or in fact, can place 3 charges on a US Jeep, or a combat Plane, and drive that straight at a group guarding a flag, That dont seem fair to me, テつ*but it is a huge challenge. テつ* 1943, takes many weeks, to use every ounce of brain power to outwit clever demo/snipers. テつ*The demolition/sniper can hide in a bush. or even on a nearby island, wait for a vehicle or some troops to arrive, and then press the lever down and blow them all up. +3 enemys +1 vehicle, is easily possible, think about that happening to you 2-3 times maybe within 30 mins, then you will have a quite different mind set when you play on here :!:

My take on the current rules, is they are quite well balanced, especially When You see a lot of other server groups following similar trends. テつ* テつ*It also has to be remembered, that we all had to start at level 1 at one time, To gain new players and less experienced ones to join us, we need to make sure these players have a reasonable chance of advancing there ranking,without being annihilated, time after time テつ*as training points is obviously the key to either kill, or be Killed. テつ* テつ*I count myself lucky to have level 24 under my belt with many advantages on sprint, tank co-axial, smoke, and Sniper aware, plus many , テつ*more training skills, that make Game life that more easier. テつ*I quite a agree with no c4 on many items in maps, and this can be seen as a rule in other group servers, more than ever now.

As Veviistyle pointed out, its not practicable to keep changing rules, But, of course, that doesn't mean that =OG= Admins dismiss any suggestions put forward. テつ* テつ*In my humble opinion, base vehicle griefing, idiots who, shoot each other on carriers, instead of actively テつ*getting into a boat and head into battle for there side, is actually more reckless and spoils the experiance, far more than, just being unable to use 1 weapon :!: