View Full Version : Cheats & Hackusations

2014-03-15, 22:48
Hey everybody.

This is not about me; it's about a player, a whining goofball, and a general complaint.
I don't usually do this, but I feel an urge to speak my mind about this subject.

I am in server #2 and at first I don't notice anything, just minding my own business as usual. All of the sudden server chat is getting cluttered with various nonsense, and I stopped to read it. (my mistake) lol.

Some player ( can’t remember his name ), is being accused of cheating/hacking. Big surprise, nothing out of the ordinary.. Happens every day, even to me. But it goes on and on, in fact it still goes on when I reconnect 10 mins later. Of course the accused player should have ignored it, that's the only way to deal with this. However neither will stop and the chat is filled with arguments. The one I think who starts it "STF_HUE", will not stop. Even after the accused player has enough leaves, he continues to ramble on. I remember his name, because of the simplicity. The accused player had a longer name with brackets...

It's a shame... a shame skilled players have to deal with this on daily basis, and that lesser skilled players have to push them off the server. The thing is though, the accused player could have just ignored the whole thing, and it might not have escalated that far. But I know the feeling, and sometimes you feel like arguing back. Because in the end, it's downright annoying.

I've played online for 15 some years, and I'm used to it. I either respond with witty remark
"Thank you! - I take that as a compliment", or I simply don't respond at all.

But it is also frustrated not to be respected for your actual skill, skill and experience accumulated over large period of time. Here comes some "kid" perhaps, crying, whining about you making impossible shots or surviving this or that. Shockingly it sometimes turns out to be an adult with an extremely childish behavior and the incapability to realize it. THAT or it's a new guy who is used to be the top dog in a different game, figuring "I can do this too"...

Thing is, I am not even great. I am DECENT at best, so when you accuse me of cheating or hacking. It can be nothing but a joke, because you have seen nothing yet. I play smart, I use years of experience to my benefit, and I would be happy to teach you a thing or two... If you approach me with a proper attitude and respect.

So what am I trying to say with all this?

A simple encouragement to change you behavior, respect other players, and grasp the fact that there ARE skilled players out there. And if you DO see a possible cheat in action, document it, record it, and present the right kind of evidence to the PPBANS or the server owners. It's the only and RIGHT way to do it. Cry and whine all you want, it gets you nowhere. You annoy everybody else, you are perceived as turd, and you will end up a serious fool if you can't argue your case proper.

Sorry for the rant, wasn’t directed to anyone in particular...

Be nice to each other, we are all here to have fun!

To 'OG' ROCK ON ;)


~ opie.

2014-03-16, 10:56
Hey Opie,

i remember you from OG2, had a good game with you :-)

We totally agree with your post, as a mather of fact we discussed that in our last staff meeting and made an action plan how to improve the general behaviour on our servers.

OG Servers were always knwon for serving a nice envirnoment to enjoy the game, this is the state we want to get the servers back again.
If you have any ideas, we are very happy to hear them!?

Thanks for taking the efford and put that post up

See you around

2014-03-16, 11:35
But it is also fustrated not to be respected for your actual skill, skill and experience acumulated over large period of time. Here comes some "kid" perhaps, crying, whining about you making impossible shots or surviving this or that. Shockingly it sometimes turns out to be an adult with a extremely childdish behavior and the incapability to realize it. THAT or it's a new guy who are use to be the top dog in a different game, figuring "I can do this too"...

So much truth in this.

Good post , you are completely right. And what you described is a problem all games have.
It's really a gamers mentality problem:
"If I can't do this, he can't either, it's impossible he is cheating"
People expect to be good in 3 hours and if they are not: Everybody else is cheating or the game sucks.
You don't become a great soccer player in 1 day either.

2014-03-16, 12:49
I can get pissed sometimes too...
If u have just no change to kill the guy and he totally rekks ur 44S...
Great that u got the topic here sir !

2014-03-16, 13:02
Exactly, and thanks for the replies.

I don't know about ideas, other than enforce the mentality through other players and admins. It has always been an issue in online gaming, no matter what game you talk about. One could just accept the fact and move on, but there comes a time where you just have enough. Not much CAN be done, but we can try force the mentality through... Encourage, and "educate" in lack of a better word.

In the end it comes down to the individual, their experience, education, way they were raised, manners, respect... etc
But we can try and affect new players, try to affect the environment in such a way - That they see the light at some point. Just as in a sport with veteran players, where the young / rookies look up to the great and inspiring vets and their achievements. Without putting myself or anyone else on a pedestal, I consider it our responsibility to in some way be a role model. It's not all about winning, becoming the best technical player. You don't get to the top JUST by making the most kills, or stomping on everybody. It's about teamwork; it's about attitude, respect and downright understanding the importance of that.

In a real life unit, you depend on each other. You base your survival on skills as much as trust, and the ability to overcome as a team. Yes it's a game, but if you want to go places... If you want confirmation, success, appreciation, and in general A FUN TIME; You GOT to respect others, and make yourself valuable doing so.

During my years of playing, I have been involved with many communities. USA and Europe, and it all apply. The only thing that really worked, was increasing the number of admins and enforcing the "Healthy tone / attitude" in the servers.

It's a good idea to spread admin over as many hours as possible, so you cover most of the day. Consistency is key and complete understanding between admins themselves. There can NOT be any holes in the lineup, all must agree and enforce the same output.


2014-03-16, 13:29
I can get pissed sometimes too...
If u have just no change to kill the guy and he totally rekks ur 44S...
Great that u got the topic here sir !

Thank you, and for your input as well.
We must bring awareness to the issue, in order to change it.

I know exactly where you come from, and I KNOW how it feels ;)
But overtime I got better through practice and experience, and now I can handle myself fairly well. I am still being put down like a miserable dog at times, but it just encourages me to do even better and take my vengance ;)

There are so many basic stuff the rookies don't know.

1. Kneel when you shoot, increases your accuracy...
2. Don't just run out into the open, play smart...
3. Run zigzag, makes it harder for snipers...
4. Think out of the box, maybe don't rush the flag in a straight line... (consider using the outskirts of the map, flank the enemy)
5. Go as a team, better chance of survival / getting the flag capture...
6. Change position all the time, stay in one place = Enemy knows where you are...
7. Strategically grab the flags close to each other, so you have a better chance of maintaining / defending them.
8. Predict the enemy moves, they tend to move in patterns...
9. Use the right weapon kit for the job, short / long range etc...
10. Aim for head...

I could go on... the list is endless.. lol


2014-03-16, 13:58
It's a good idea to spread admin over as many hours as possible, so you cover most of the day.

This is exactly the basis of our problems atm.
We have increased our number of servers at a time we had a lot of P4F players in OG.
Every OG member has moderator rights to kick players from our servers and also has the task to keep the servers in good shape.
With the release of BF4 a lot of the P4F players have moved to that game, which is also supported by OG.
Some other players left for other valid reasons.

We are now running low on moderators because of the increased # servers and decreased # of moderators.

We will close down 1 of our servers at the end of the month to get a better server# : mod# ratio which should increase moderator presence per remaining server. We will evaluate after a month or two.

Other side is to get more members, and thus more moderators in OG by recruiting. That is why we have recently started organised events to get exposure (and fun ofc) and we will be more actively recruiting players.

On that last part: if you play for >15 years (so you are 18+?) AND you feel so concerned about this issue that you put up a long post here:
Why don't you come in TS some evening and play some rounds with us? You can check out what it is like and maybe it would make you feel like you want to join OG and help us moderate the servers........ ÂÂ*:wink:

2014-03-16, 15:53
I can see from this and some of the other threads, that you are indeed working on this issue. Which to a regular player is comforting, ensuring and greatly appreciated. It's nice to experience that you take my words into consideration, and that something is being done. I think you are approaching this in the right way, and hopefully it will work out. The admins have my support, and I will do my part as a player.

Which leads me to your inquiry concerning joining up, possibly help out from "the inside" sort of speak.
Tempting offer I must say, and with all due respect - I would need some time to consider it.

A good part of those years was spent as part of the admin team in various communities, and I am still part of a few. I somehow always get involved, either in server administration or the website part. (due to my background and real life work).
However it requires a great deal of determination, TIME, and discipline. Putting your own game aside, monitor the server(s), enforce, explain, etc etc.

I recently quit my positions at Clanbase, TWL, XL, as cup-supervisor to make more time for myself and gaming. Then I got attracted to PF4, but who knows how long it will keep me interested. One thing is for sure though, I will always play Battlefield. Still play BF1942 +DC sometimes. Outstanding gameplay, and really good fun.

I can certainly join you on Teamspeak, always nice to meet new people. ;)
Though I will need to use my old (broke, half-eaten, chewed, stinky..) headset, as Im waiting for my new Sennheiser PC 363D to arrive. It wasen't in stock, but the dealer estimates within 2 weeks. We'll see... ;)


2014-03-17, 16:04
Which leads me to your inquiry concerning joining up, possibly help out from "the inside" sort of speak.
Tempting offer I must say, and with all due respect - I would need some time to consider it.

No problem there mate!
In april OG will exist 5 years and I am sure we will be here a LOT longer still!

However it requires a great deal of determination, TIME, and discipline. Putting your own game aside, monitor the server(s), enforce, explain, etc etc.

This is not what we would ask you to do!

Each member is moderator on our servers with kick rights. When we have a new tool on all our servers (soon) we can also supply the members/moderators with a possibility to Temp ban.

The kick can be issued from WITHIN the game using the ingame chat, so you can play and kick without going out of server.
Game staff has access to actual local admin tools and I as gameleader have access to a 24/7 tool which runs on a VPS allowing me to ban people.

So you can play, have fun and still moderate the server you are on at that moment!

I can certainly join you on Teamspeak, always nice to meet new people. ;)
Though I will need to use my old (broke, half-eaten, chewed, stinky..) headset, as Im waiting for my new Sennheiser PC 363D to arrive. It wasen't in stock, but the dealer estimates within 2 weeks. We'll see... ;)

Nice! Looking forward to it!
And dont worry about the current headset, at least not from our POV, I don't know if you want to wear your half-eaten headset of course ÂÂ*:lol:

2014-03-17, 20:58
cat, dog or baby? :D
i know that problem from when i had a dog...

2014-03-17, 21:24
My girlfriend has 2 cats and a bunny, and I have a dog. So plenty of possible sinners in the household! ;)

2014-03-25, 17:45
I have come to the conclusion, that It is best I decline your kind offer to help admin the server(s).

Some of you have probably noticed, that I have put "117" infront of my name in game.

EA117 is a gaming community (not a clan), that I have been part of for many years. We have a very successful Battlefield 1942 DC server called - EA117 DC FAN FAVORITES. (US). But we are also active and run servers in BF3 and BF4.
EA117 Website (http://www.ea117dcfanfavorites.com/) *We are not affiliated with EA in any way!

I don't think I would have the time and energy to get involved with yet another community, allthough I'd like to contribute and help out. It would require alot more ONLINE time, active in teamspeak, forums, etc.
On top of this, you hardly know me. Since I am not ready to dedicate myself in such a way, I believe it's better I just stay the way I am.

Over the last 2 weeks, I've received atleast 10+ clan invites from various places. First they call me out as a hacker / cheater, then offer me a spot in their team. Humorous recruiting technique... lol
Hence why I put 117 in front of my name, so that they "THINK" im already in clan. Hopefully, I can get some peace. I hate to say no, this way - they dont even bother to ask. ;)

I very much like OG, and should I ever find a new place to settle - This would be it. In the mean time, I rather support OG financially. A few donations here and there, to keep a great community going.

Thanks for the consideration, and to "Eggy" for some good games lastnight. Enjoyed it mate ;) Â*GG*

- opie

2014-03-25, 18:46
Hi Opie,

No problems there mate!
But just to be clear: OG being a community itself and not a clan, with members that have private lives and connected responsabilities we do not put demands on members on amount of online time etcetera!

So should you at any time reconsider, just fill in the application form! ÂÂ*:wink:

Any donation is of course very much appreciated!
If you do, please drop me a PM so I can reward you VIP on our P4F servers for a while to show you our gratitude!

In the mean time: you are of course welcome in our Teamspeak to join us and play some rounds!

Regards, SkinnyG

2014-03-25, 19:12
Thank you, and I shall keep that in mind.

I made a humble donation, merely to show my appriciation and support. I don't need anything in return or rewards, but I'm curious to know what is VIP? I know what VIP means, but in regards to the server?

2014-03-25, 22:45
Here are all the infos about VIP:

2014-03-25, 23:52
Ah I see, cool initiative. Sure skinny, sign me up. I might aswell enjoy the benefits ;)

2014-03-26, 11:20
I can get pissed sometimes too...
If u have just no change to kill the guy and he totally rekks ur 44S...
Great that u got the topic here sir !

Thank you, and for your input as well.
We must bring awareness to the issue, in order to change it.

I know exactly where you come from, and I KNOW how it feels ;)
But overtime I got better through practice and experience, and now I can handle myself fairly well. I am still being put down like a miserable dog at times, but it just encourages me to do even better and take my vengance ;)

There are so many basic stuff the rookies don't know.

1. Kneel when you shoot, increases your accuracy...
2. Don't just run out into the open, play smart...
3. Run zigzag, makes it harder for snipers...
4. Think out of the box, maybe don't rush the flag in a straight line... (consider using the outskirts of the map, flank the enemy)
5. Go as a team, better chance of survival / getting the flag capture...
6. Change position all the time, stay in one place = Enemy knows where you are...
7. Strategically grab the flags close to each other, so you have a better chance of maintaining / defending them.
8. Predict the enemy moves, they tend to move in patterns...
9. Use the right weapon kit for the job, short / long range etc...
10. Aim for head...

I could go on... the list is endless.. lol


My exact play style , even with recon :)

2014-03-26, 11:34
Opie thank you for all of your input and feedback.

As mentioned whe new software lands on our servers it will be easier ;)
Usualy when i'm online, the badboys get kicked out, with me no warnings :D, but i'm not as much online as i used to be.

If things go very wrong maybe a simple screenshot for us will help a million ;)

Thank you again hope to see you soon :D