View Full Version : For Azazel | Dave

2014-04-19, 01:39
I killed your xHoHo idol :)

Check the chat, Flinch said that the guy is not that good, Dave asked him to show his stuff and I've got him at that moment : Wish I had a video or a better pic though.

Damn, how do you embed pics here? Here's the link.

[lytebox width=180 height=140:11abae949f]http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1117936/killed%20xhoho.bmp[/lytebox:11abae949f]

2014-04-19, 06:37

2014-04-19, 13:43
ahhh so you had one on the weasel. Doesn't happen a lot. Enjoy it Zlad.

2014-04-19, 14:00
aaah this guy again.

He makes good montages, thats it. Montages mean nothing. Â*He is not a bad player, but montages mean fuck all. Anybody can compile some of his best moments and look amazing. You can even play for clips. If you shoot a rpg at every helicopter you see, you will eventually get some hits.

The only people deserving credit are the people with tournament / ESL / CEVO Titles to their name/team.
Skill is about how well you do when you get matched against people just as good as you, not about killing some people way worse than you in a pub-game.

2014-04-19, 17:11
Montages mean indeed nothing, you're seeing only the few epic moments he recorded, everyone can make such a video. Granted, you do need the editing skills which hoho obviously possesses and he does make entertaining video's (30k+ subs).

Good for you though you managed to kill him zladuric, too bad you'll never see it on youtube Â*:twisted:
zZAzazelZz, if you're looking for a replacement for your idol try checking out some real ESL players!

Oh, and since you mentioned him yesterday, Whitemoose is in my opinion not a good one Â*:lol:

2014-04-19, 17:12
I am a better player then xHoho.

2014-04-19, 20:40
I am a better player then xHoho.

Even if we control our mouse and keyboard with our feet we are better ÂÂ*8)

2014-04-20, 00:26
I am a better player then xHoho.

Even if we control our mouse and keyboard with our feet we are better Â*8)

Even if we control our mouse and keyboard with our feet, while having our pencils blown by hot escort girls, while listening to heavy metal, while playing battlefield... we will still be better and have a better aim and more skill then xHoho. ÂÂ*8)

2014-04-20, 11:09
That's one hell of an IF, seeing there's girls willingly blowing you ÂÂ*:twisted:

2014-04-20, 15:16
Guys, we never said xHOHO was a god on battlefield...

We just said he's a good player and has really nice montages, sure he is not the best player...
But he is still better than pretty much all of us... good for you zlad for killing him, but a sraw ? really.... lame....

And guys lets not forget that OG is about being respectful, this flame war does not really show respect for each other nor for a player that none of you even know.... ( except from videos and maybe 1 or 2 matches )

Just stop bitching about this shit...

2014-04-20, 15:37
Yeah Damn Straight. It's Odd that one of the few times i try and do something respectful and nice i end up getting flamed for it.
This was strictly about his montage, and the fact that i thought he deserved a compliment in game. As far as shadowfox is concerned, i can appreciate the fact that you have knowledge of other good players besides whitemoose, but you played with him in a game with pubbe, and while you were on the bottom of the score list he was on the top. So whatever you want to say about xhoho is one thing, but disgracing a fellow teammate of yours. NOT VERY OG MAN.

2014-04-20, 17:24

Ooooooooh Snap! :P
So... (http://nl.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=trolling)

2014-04-20, 18:06
actually, shadowfox, I see you are a Belgian, all is forgiven :D