View Full Version : Kicked for using JET.

2014-07-24, 19:42
I got kicked out for killling people with jet. Not baseraping or anything like that.
When KD was ~7/0, I got kicked because it is not allowed to "camp" in a jet - according to Sniper5tinky or someone named like that.

So since when it is not allowed to fly with jet as long as one can? What is limit for killing? 5 kills? I have played for a long time at ur server but this was kind a sad. :-(17

2014-07-24, 22:12
Hi Beam,

thanks for taking the effort and come here.
We will have a look into this and sort it out!

As long as your not baseraping, your absolutely fine and very welcome on our servers!

2014-07-24, 23:48
it was baserape

2014-07-25, 09:34
it was baserape

Slinky, are seriously lying to me, others and first of all - for yourself?!

I have run up server Beam - Oman for two years and strictly forbid _baserape_ and had quite same rules than
OG - Oman have, and followed those.
So tell me why on earth I would register myself here and have all that effort to just lie?

I just hate when player - with all respect - use he's mod rights unfair.

If you have something personal, you may have contact me by email or via fb:


Regards and hoping for less misunderstanding - Toni

2014-07-25, 11:15
Well Guys,

the chatlogs are not conclusive.

@ Beam, as stated before: you are highly welcome to play on our servers!

@ Wez, if you kick someone insert a reason!

Now be nice to each other you 2 and enjoy this game

2014-07-25, 11:22
Well Guys,

the chatlogs are not conclusive.

@ Beam, as stated before: you are highly welcome to play on our servers!

@ Wez, if you kick someone insert a reason!

Now be nice to each other you 2 and enjoy this game


Thank you and I'll surely will be seen at your servers as normal. :-)

2014-07-27, 02:50
i say no more on this subject. Kind Reguards SlinkyMixxy