Hai, all!
League match against KAT!
Opponent will be KAT
So the match will be:
02 October - Sunday
2x Karkand
2x Sharqi
Against: KAT
server will probably be on of us.
So if you can attend or NOT please post below.
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Hai, all!
League match against KAT!
Opponent will be KAT
So the match will be:
02 October - Sunday
2x Karkand
2x Sharqi
Against: KAT
server will probably be on of us.
So if you can attend or NOT please post below.
Should be ok for me, but can't really tell yet ...
I'll edit this post
Not present so you will need new tank driver
Illl be there.
Could me In, ÂÂ*Combat medic or Assualt, ÂÂ*recommend putting me in as a CM
I'm in (95% probability). Combat Engineer.
Fuck... I'm realising that I have to go to a birthday Party of my gf's cousin, he's turning 3 the young fellow! ;D
So I will be back early 9pm cest witch will be to late.
So ye I'm sorry, but my absent shouldn't be holding you guy's off! ;)
Match details:
- 8PM cest gmt + 2
- 2x Karkand, 2x Sharqi
- Server if someone of the admins can be there for the match! Ours!
And otherwise theirs!
For the rest I hope we get 8 together! If not please ask for 4x sharqi with 5 or such!
We should be able to defeat this clan! So, do it! ;D
I wish you all the best and GL!
btw: Her cousin is the most epic kid I know! ;D